Some People Are So Poor, All They Have Is Money.


There’s a lot of excitement around the steemiverse right now about not only the rise in SBD and Steem values but also the fact that they have been holding steady and look set to continue in this fashion.

This has led to a lot of us taking a more serious look at the platform and its potential for the long term than perhaps we previously had, which is why there have been a multitude of posts speaking on the subject of putting more effort into building a successful steemit blog.

Some of us will indeed meet with the success we seek and some have already done so in the last few weeks. It’s clear to a lot of us or at least it now looks to be a strong possibility that at some point in the coming months or year, there are going to be quite a few steemit millionaires.

Many of these will be men and women who began their steemit journey without any financial investment at all and worked hard, hoping without expectation that their effort and faith in the platform would reap rewards in a possible future to come, which now looks extremely likely.

Having had the opportunity to get to know one or two of these men and women personally, I have no doubt that they will remain unchanged in their outlook or perspective on life and will carry on being the decent, honest and kind hearted individuals they were then and are now.

But I also know that money and the ability it allows us to do things we never thought we would get the chance to do or go places we never thought we’d be able to go, often leads to us forgetting who we really are and those people and things that are really important to us. It’s been demonstrated a million times and more throughout our history.

Which is why I’m writing this post, to you, the soon to be millionaires of steemit.

Please don’t forget what money is. It is a tool that can be used for good or ill, in the hands of those who have the power to decide which of these to use it for. Pretty soon it would appear that a lot of us will have that power and choice.

So how will we choose to wield our new found power?

Will we use it to do the good things we always said we would do if we had the opportunity?

Or will we use it to shower ourselves with the things we had previously maintained we had no desire or need for, until of course we realised we could actually have them if we wanted?

I’m not trying to be a party pooper or rain on anyone’s parade. By all means pay off some bills, your mortgage and have a lovely time travelling the world or whatever you’d like to do with what you’ve been rewarded with by others but remember who you were at the start of this steemit journey a short time ago and what you wanted to achieve in the process. Don’t fall victim to the trappings of modern wealth. Many of us are going to have the chance to change the world for the better in our own small way, to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

Will we take that chance?

I began my time on steemit wanting to do my own little bit to spread the message of freedom and personal responsibility and while I don’t look set to become a steemit millionaire anytime soon, I have seen my account balance grow in recent days as everyone else has and I expect it to continue in this fashion given that I intend to add to what I have accumulated already.

However, I am not a man of many desires when it comes to material possessions and while I have bills to pay and mouths to feed like many of you and I also know how life can throw us some unexpected expenses at times but I don’t think I will be needing anywhere close to a million to feel like I have enough.

If I did manage to become one of the steemit millionaires by some freak coincidence or luck, I’d like to think that I might use some of the money, over and above what I need for the comfort and security of my family, to help others in some way.

There are countless areas of the human experience in which people are suffering throughout the world and money, as I mentioned before, is a tool that can be used to ease that suffering in a lot of cases. If money was the measure of a healthy and successful society that is exactly what we would have right now, since we have plenty of money in existence already. There is no shortage of money, it’s just that those who have the bulk of it at the moment keep it out of circulation and do not use it for the good it could be doing.

Money itself is an illusion. Whatever we decide to use for it, whether it be paper or gold or digits on a screen, it only has value because we place value on it and this can disappear in an instant. The only true value it has is in how it is used. But we live in a world where very little gets done without the transfer of some sort of money and we are all in a position to profit where others may not. We've been given the opportunity to do good things. To make positive changes in our lives and in the world. But will we take that opportunity or go the way so many have gone before us, forgetting who they were or where they came from.

How much do we need, anyway?

Is a million enough to feel secure? What about ten?

Some people are so poor, all they have is money.

Please don't let that be you.

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