Stop Thinking Too Much And Start Acting

The biggest misconception in life is that the one who "Thinks" a lot must be a very intelligent person. Nothing can be farther from the truth. Thinking does not make you intelligent or even remotely close to it. As a matter of fact, thinking makes you lazy. Life is not about thinking, life is about doing.


We have been given this impression about life through statues of famous people in thinking gestures with their head held in the palm of their hands. From Socrates all the way to Allama Iqbal. What a wrong picture to paint for the impressionable minds. Socrates or Allama Iqbal did not spend their time thinking. Socrates taught 19 hours a day and wrote books. Allama Iqbal wrote volumes upon volumes and traveled and acquired his PhD from Germany. None of the famous people spent their time thinking. They spent majority of their waking hours doing.
The myths our youth are taught by the ones who were taught the same myths, is growing exponentially these days. Nobody stops to question the age old myths about learning and knowledge.

You want to learn to create problems in your life, THINK. You want to learn to solve those problems of life, ACT. People who think too much are like a building with a conference room inside. Always busy with meetings and committees and discussions but no results. Thinking should be 10% of your daily routine and the other 90% should be going after the things that you thought about. To acquire them. To have them. To attain your goals. To live your aspirations. We are taught to think from a young age like its some science with a formula, once applied will give results. Everybody tells you to think but nobody tells you "How" to think. Its like sending a 10 year old person to Paris but never telling him that he needs a passport and an airplane ticket to fly from Pakistan to France.

The more you think about something over and over again, the more you will create negativity in your mind. The more you will begin to paralyze yourself when it comes to taking action. The more questions you will create which will have no answers. Imagine sitting in your living room for 5 hours until someone asks, What are you doing ? And you reply, I am thinking about going to a park ? What do you think will be the answer to your statement ? Then Go. The only answer. And imagine if you said, no I want to think really deeply about it before I take a decision.
Obviously the world will laugh. All matters, no matter how serious they might be, require not more than a small percentage of your time to think and a big percentage of your time to act. So act. Act today. Act to achieve your goals. Leave the thinking to the people who believe that Allama Iqbal and Socrates or Plato or Aristotle were thinkers.

Image Source #pixabay

Thank you

Regards @Thedaud

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