Channeling Penelope ~ Part 1


You are love. You are a source of light within that is infinite love, a soul. Love is all you ever were. Many of you are awakening to this truth as you return to the place you were all along but forgot. So often your pain and suffering is what awakens you as you search for that place in your heart of love and meaning to your life. Your heart is where your soul lives and from where you learn and grow. So often pain is what holds you back.

It's so easy to get caught up in emotions. The brain is a powerful thing that is most useful as a human. It sets you apart from all species on Earth. However, it is also the one thing that holds you back. Learn the power of connection to the wisdom of your higher self to Source (or God). Learn you control all there is in your life with the choices you make each day.

My dear ones, you are safe. You are your own protection and your own strength. You are a vessel of pure love and light from the one infinite source, God. Learn to let go of your pain within so you can grow and return to pure light that you were meant to in this lifetime. This is your time of opening up your heart to this reality.

~ Penelope

I began channeling Penelope in January 2016 through automatic writing. I feel in my heart that she is one of my spirit guides. I found that the "voice" that came through during several writing sessions over a 3 month's time was loving, comforting, and wise. I've had her messages in a notebook since then. I just recently decided Steemit would be the perfect platform to share the wisdom I received from her. My artwork is how I perceive her to look like when I close my eyes.

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