Man Wearing Pop Culture T-Shirt Furious that Other People Understand the Reference

Garland, Texas - A local man was escorted out of a Carl's Jr. today after an altercation over his t-shirt. Steven Pomeritz had entered the Carl's Jr. for lunch. Upon ordering his meal, the cashier clerk said that she liked his shirt and that she "remembered that game".

"No, she didn't remember that game," Pomeritz, 33, commented. "If she remembered 'that game', she'd remember that it was called Final Fantasy VII. That isn't a hard name to remember, if you knew it you'd think you'd remember the name of the most revolutionary RPG of all time."


Final Fantasy VII was a RPG, or 'role-playing game' released for the PlayStation in 1997. Along with his shirt, Pomeritz also wore a wristwatch that he said related to the franchise. Mr. Pomeritz explained that the watch featured a Chocobo, a bird-like creature that functions like a horse in the world of the game. When our reporter stated this, Pomeritz explained, "No, they're nothing like a horse. Just because you can ride on the back of it doesn't mean it's a horse. Listen. Some of them can cross water, or the most pure bred can fly. There's a whole hobby in world about breeding and racing them. You can't say they're like a horse just because you ride on their back."

Shelly Gray, 23, stated that Pomeritz was agitated when she said she recognized the game on his t-shirt. "I remember the characters from when my brother used to play it," she said. Upon commenting on the shirt, Pomeritz had demanded that she name the game, referring to her as a 'casual' and 'normie'.

"These people come in and they think they understand what it means to be a gamer," Pomeritz said, "That's the cancer killing the industry. I remember when people still thought Nintendo was just every video game. That was better than normies budding into the culture."

"I don't play video games myself," Gray said, "You just get guys like this in here sometimes. Someone comes in with a Power Rangers t-shirt and sometimes they'll like it when you recognize it and sometimes they'll shout at you for appropriating their culture."

When asked for comment on the event as a whole, Pomeritz said he'd avoid further awkwardness the next time by wearing a more obscure t-shirt, like his custom made Xenogears shirt.

T-shirt picture is from

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