I'm a Copywriter - Okay! And This Is How I Did It (You Can Do It, Too)!

I had no intention of ever becoming a copywriter. When I left school, I studied Psychology. Not because I wanted to become a Psychologist - I just enjoyed the subject matter. It was only when I was roped into my husband's web design business that I discovered my passion for copywriting and content creation.

At first, I'd write basic copy for websites (About Us pages, and that sort of thing). I'd look to other competitor websites for ideas and inspiration. Slowly I taught myself how to write from a unique point of view, letting my own words flow through me instead of borrowing words from others.

And that's when I found Steemit. Steemit was great back in the day, before HIVE took over the game. This is where I truly began writing for myself, and where I fell deeply in love with word artistry

But my "steem" ran out and I soon got bored with Steemit. I needed more of a challenge. So, I delved into the world of SEO and took on content marketing jobs that favored a sales edge.

And boy am I glad I did.

Not only do I enjoy writing with purpose, but I love the uniform, the challenge - and the feedback!

Oh the feedback. This is what keeps me rolling. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect and I don't always impress my clients. It's hard to cater to everyone's tastes. But for the most part, the feedback is always good. And when I'm criticized, I take it with more than a pinch of salt. I learn from it, and then grow.

Criticism is an important component of becoming an excellent copywriter.

Today, my schedule is full and I battle to find the time to compile a post with personal trimming (like this one). But this is a good thing. It means I am making money by doing what I love!

And you can, too!

If you would like to become a professional copywriter (without having a list of English and writing degrees behind your name), then follow me!

Over the next few weeks, nay, make it months; I'll be sharing some tips with you so that you can become a freelance copywriter, just like me!

Are you game?

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