Question of the day: Why do people think being with someone is the answer to everything? Part - 2

Third Person Point OF VIEW

Because people want to feel loved unconditionally.
This is something I’ve been asking myself because I feel as though I’m not whole without another person. Which is obviously bullshit. And it’s that need to be wanted, needed and loved by another person. That no matter what you do, you’re supported.

Unfortunately my desperation to be loved ended up in a bad relationship with someone who didn’t want me, but I tried everything to change their mind because I was petrified of being alone. I ended it after I found out he was bitching to another girl about me which was the hardest thing I’ve had to do but I finally realised I deserved better and I shouldn’t settle for anything less.

Now I’m just trying to live my best life. But still have that underlying desire to be loved. I’ll find it one day.

Being with someone isn't the answer to everything. People think like that because they wanna feel love. Love is the answer to everything. What everyone doesn't understand is that love isn't just a relationship with another person. Love is the absolute infinity. When a being is in love, he is not in love just for another being, he is in love with everything. Love can't be restrictive. In Love we recognize that everything is one.

It is basic human nature to share.
We are stronger as a group than we are alone.

Perhaps it’s too bias to imply that being with someone is the answer however all experiences are better when you share them.

Magical thinking: "I don't have to change or do anything differently or be responsible for my own happiness. Instead, I dream of finding a magical person, a soul mate, that immediately makes my life perfect. Only then will I be happy!"

About Me :

Hi, I am 22 & I live in Mumbai City and kinda love blogging. I post writing, story, poetry and the pictures that I capture. ♥

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