"May you live in interesting times" sounds great right.

Think again

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That line was actually the lowest in a Triology Chinese curses that were placed on a generation in a small part of China in the 16th century. All through their lifetime, the experienced a lot. I mean a whole lot.

They experienced the greatest breakthroughs in technological advancements, medicine, architecture, etc.
At least for a while

Then things got really interesting. All good and smooth sailing isn't always interesting, is it? These people got to find that hard the hard way when things started getting interesting.

Other clans came in search of their technology. People from all over came for their medical secrets and abilities. Their land soon turned into a very commercially profitable land.

And the conflicts arose.
Little conflicts and misunderstandings here and there soon turned into an unending war that ravaged their city. All their progress and success were soon made desolate.

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DISCLAIMER: This story was never confirmed.

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