A Justification Why People Complain

Hello Steemit Friends,

Everyone finds something to complain about. It may or may not be relevant to their lives, but people complain anyway. It is a habit that a majority of the population that transcends race, gender, social status, age, and nationality.

It is normal for people to complain. It validates their concerns and gain the support of people who understand their situation. If you complain long enough and loud enough, then the world might hear you and change.

Habitual complainers are special. It takes a special breed of people to believe that the world should conform to their standards. There is actually no reason to stop complaining. If people waste enough of their time, bother enough lives, disrupt the imperfect system, then utopia can be achieved.


Creating a Perfect World for Everyone's Happiness.

Creating a perfect world is a lofty goal. But it will not happen without change. It is necessary for everyone, especially rich snobs, who think they have the right to order other people around because they own the company.

A change will not happen if our leaders do not listen. It is important that people in positions of authority understand the plight of those under their responsibility. They do not know what those people have been through, so they have to adjust and conform to their needs.

To make leaders understand change, they have to listen to their constituents. It may take an entire lifetime, sometimes several generations to get them to listen. But it has to start somewhere.

The Freedom of Speech is an inalienable right.

The right to complain is a protected constitutional right. It was placed there by our forefathers to prevent abuse by people in authority. It is fairly common for political leaders, business managers, and older relatives to make decisions without prior consultation.

Their opinions are irrelevant to the constitutionally protected Freedom of Speech.

Communications and Diplomacy is the key to a success

Societies in the all of human history are formed through communication. It is why it is necessary for any organized structure to listen to the concern of its members.

Any form of organization is not possible without the consensus of its members. It is why it's very important that organizations should adjust to each and every concern of all its members.

A win-win solution should always be the goal. It does not matter if there are time and budget constraints. What matters is to find a middle ground that addresses the needs of all those concerned. It is always possible, even in a zero-sum reality, to find a perfect solution to every conflict.

The Pen is mightier than the sword

Actions are not necessary for self-improvement. Peons can do the legwork. It is not necessary for habitual complainers to take the necessary steps to make changes. The act of instigating change is action enough.

Voicing our concerns consistently and incessantly will eventually start a revolution that will fix all of the world's problems.




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