Writing as meditation


Men think with their head, with their heart, with their lust. Those are three different voices that often are often in conflict. Our hopes and dreams are often in conflict with our fears and doubts.. There is conflict between reality and imagination. There is conflict between your experiences in the past and your expectations for the future. The future is unknown. Every choice we make has consequences.

For me, writing is a type of meditation. It is a way to sort through the different voices and conflicts and chaos in my brain and bring clarity to my thoughts. Life is full of confusion. I use writing as a tool to make sense of confusion.

Words express everything that we are. They can express everything we have been and everything we hope to be. They can express our every thought and our every feeling. More than that though, there is a beauty to words. Done right, there is a poetry to language that touches people. The act of writing brings my thoughts clearly into focus. It takes chaos and confusion and distills it down to a clear and simple truths

Photo taken by my wife, somewhere in japan 2004.

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