It's 90 Degrees in my Bedroom...And My Glasses Keep Fogging up. Welcome to Portugal.


It's hot. Not just a little...a lot. I have three fans going and I'm dying. Maybe for reals. Who knows? I'm chugging down water as fast as I can but, it's bloody hot!

No, my hair isn't fresh out of a shower wet in this picture, it's sweat. Gross, nasty, damn I need another shower sweat.

And yes, I keep having to take my glasses off because they steam up on my face.

I'm hoping one of my posts will get noticed again because...I really need an air conditioner. Here in Portugal people either live in apartments with AC units, have enough money to pay the cost of a portable AC, or try not to die. I'm in the "try not to die" category.

I can't work because it's too hot, which means I can't think, and, despite being exhausted, I can't sleep. Because, you know, it's too freaking hot to sleep! Even the dogs are grumpy, and they love everybody.

We'll see how it goes. I'm considering making one of those "at-home" jobs, but I'd have to move. The alternative is to get in the shower. Do you know what it's like to shower in a bathroom where cold water only exists in the sink? A nice, hot, steamy shower is not on my list of things to do.

I'll adventure on. Maybe I can find another fan. The sun is going down...we might get below 85 tonight. I hope. Anyway, that's all for now. Just a note, in case I truly do melt. Anybody have some more bottled water?

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