The Most Strange Guiding Block//En garip rehber bloğu

We often find one yellow or orange lane on the sidewalk that we live. The path is a block on which there are four parallel lines. And there are others on it consisting of small spheres. The line is called a guiding block. Its purpose is to help our blind brother. If we stand on a block consisting of lines it means we can walk in accordance with the direction of the line from the block. But if we stand on a block consisting of small spheres, then that means it's time we have to stop.

The true guiding block is to help the blind person while walking on the sidewalk. But the making of guiding blocks sometimes does not conform to standards. Or just carelessly regardless of the function of the guiding block itself. For example there is a guiding block that directs the blind person into the times, there is also a guiding block that tells the blind person to hit a tree or power pole that stands on the sidewalk.

But the most strange in my opinion is the guiding block on the bridge Otistas Bogor. If the guiding block usually ends with a block on which there are small spheres. But the guiding block that is on the bridge Otista Bogor near the Botanical Garden, the guiding block was ended with blocks on it consisting of four lines.

This is of course very surprising to me, why there is a guiding block that ends with such a formation. If used by the blind people they will be confused. Will they be told to circle around the area?

The possibility that happened why guiding block in bridge Otista Bogor this way.

The guiding block material is not available

The first possibility, in my opinion, is that the guiding block material on which there are spheres is not available, so to complete the guiding block immediately, the worker is forced to use the existing guiding block. Although guiding block that there are different functions. Still done. The important work is done.

Workers do not know the guiding block function

It is undeniable that workers usually only accept work assignments. They only carry out the tasks assigned to them. Like the task of installation of this guiding block. They only carry out their job duties, but do not know the function of the guiding block they install. So? That's right.

So guiding block in Otista bridge is in my opinion is the most strange guiding block that I have ever seen.

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