You and God- A Unique Relationship



There are some people in my life who are struggling with who they are in God. The world is not at peace and there are many people who need God at this moment. I decided to write this down now in case someone, somewhere needs to hear it. I am not a preacher, or even a church member officially at this point in my life. But I do know a few things about me and God and our unique relationship, and I would like to share some advice with those who would benefit from my experiences.

First thing, your life is not your own if you are a Christian. Get it out of your head that you have any control over the circumstances and occurrences in your life. You make your plans, but God controls your steps. The easiest way to make God laugh is to make plans. Do not even try to control one part of your life. If you do you will wind up frustrated, angry, or disappointed.

Get to know Jesus. Study the Gospel and understand who Jesus was in life. Make it a goal to know His every friend, His every enemy, and every event in His life. Because God wants you to be more like Jesus, you must know Him as well as you know your best friend. Think of Him in every situation you face and ask yourself what would Jesus do?

Never defend yourself. A servant is no greater than His master. You can not love God and the world at the same time. This is not your kingdom. You are not going to rule this world, become famous, important, or respected because this world is ruled by the evil one, and the devil is in control of the people in the world. Those that are called to be Christians, are set apart from the world. Only Jesus can fight the devil, and the best thing you can do is let Jesus do the fighting and let Him defend you against others.

Quit worrying about breaking the rules, always doing the right thing, or feeling the need to please others. You are not here to be a model citizen, the best parent on the block, or even the politest person at church. If God wanted us to all be nuns, we would all be nuns. God created you to be you. He carefully planned every minute of your life and arranged every circumstance to make you into the person He wants you to be.

Quit putting yourself down all the time. You are worthy of good things. Do not be little yourself and think you could be doing more. If God wanted you to do more, you would be doing more. You are here to please Him, to glorify Him, and bring Him joy. It is not the other way around. God is not a genie in a bottle waiting to be summoned to give you free wishes. You are perfect.

Do not believe your job is not enough, your home is not enough, or that you should be more in this life. Jesus died so that we could spend eternity in Heaven with Him and His Father. Eternity! That means for all of time with no ending, you will be sitting in the nicest house, wearing the nicest clothes, surrounded by the nicest people, and the nicest things, driving the nicest cars, eating the best food... Heaven’s streets are paved with gold. Do not fret about what you do not have here on this earth, store your treasures in Heaven.

Do not eat processed foods. It may feel good to eat pre-made foods and not have to cook, or do dishes, but you are not doing yourself any favors by eating pre-packaged foods. Your body is a temple for the Holy Spirit which dwells inside every saved sinner. The longer you are on this earth, the longer you can do the work of the Lord. If you do not take care of your body, you will fall to sickness and will not be able to live your fullest life here on earth. If you die, you will not be here to love others, to help others, or to be a blessing to others.

Eat, drink and be merry. This life is not all struggle and misery. But it can be if you let it. Stop trying to race through life getting the best of everything and begin to enjoy the life you are living now. Remind yourself to count your blessings no matter how small or insignificant they seem to the world. You are not here to work, eat, sleep, and repeat. You are here to enjoy your life, so take the time to relax and have some fun.

Believe that you are worthy of good things in life. The devil has come here to cheat, steal and destroy. But he is only a rebellious child who lives in his Father’s basement. The devil has no authority over you, your life, or your family. You must believe without a doubt that you are protected from the wiles of the devil and that he can not take away your joy. The joy of the Lord is your strength. Do not allow the devil to make you feel sad, frustrated, or agitated. You can be happy.

Quit fighting with people. You may choose to take offense when people say or do something to hurt your feelings. There is a difference between standing up for yourself and putting up with disrespect. The devil is responsible for the chaos in the world, just as he is responsible for the chaos in your heart, mind, and life. We do not fight against people but dark forces and spirits. You have the power to cast out demons in the name of Jesus. Start using that power in your life. Tell off the devil, not your neighbor.

Start speaking blessings into your life. Anytime you speak you are bringing about the events in your life. If you believe you cannot do something, you will not. Stop using the words never, and always. Watch your words carefully and put your petitions before God. You have free will, and God cannot intervene without your permission. Do not wish you could get a new car, pray that God will make a way for you to get a new car. Then think as if you already have the new car.

Do the work of the Lord. Do not grumble over the work you must do every day. God has given us six days to work and one to rest. Do the work that is placed in front of you and do not look for the work you think you should be doing, or the job you think you deserve. God knows what He is doing. He placed you where you are because He needs you to do the work, and knows you are the best suited person for the job. God does not make mistakes. You may also be the only person on earth willing to do that job for Him.

Forgive yourself for past mistakes. Only God can judge you. God forgives you for all your sins, and Jesus died to make you clean again. God makes your blemishes as white as snow. God does not punish you for your mistakes, He fixes them. Do not think that you have done something so wrong that God could not love you. There is nothing, not even death that can come between you and the love God has for you. You may have to deal with the consequences of your bad decisions, but God can still make a way. The devil is the great accuser. Do not allow him to bind you up in the chains of your past mistakes.

Forgive others as God has forgiven you. The last bit of advice I can give is to let go of grudges. Hating others makes you a prisoner. If someone has wronged you, forgive them and let your mind rest. Let go and let God. Unforgiveness is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Once you release the pain of the past, you can begin to heal. Remember all the things God has forgiven you for in the past and show the same mercy on others.

Grace is when God give you something you do not deserve; mercy is when he does not give you what you do deserve.

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