°°° Others Succeed But We Fail °°°




Others Succeed But We Fail


Success is a dream come true for everyone. Want to have a luxury house, car and money. It is something that humans often dream of.

So, have we ever sacrificed so much for someone until they were successful? Or, have our sacrifices ever made them succeed in achieving their dreams? And vice versa, we ourselves experience a great failure.

Basically, giving everything to someone, even time, is not easy. But that's a good thing. Although everyone has their own path and time to succeed.

However, sometimes there are people who feel hurt when they have sacrificed for someone until that person is successful. Until ourselves fail, fail to achieve our own dreams or success. Maybe there are also those who feel happy even though they fail to achieve success and dreams. Because, the sacrifices that are made make the people they care about successful. But, all of that is the personality of each.

What if you feel hurt because the sacrifices we make are never considered? Should we be sad? But it really hurts.

However, sometimes we have to hurt to know. "Fall to grow, and lose to win". Because life's greatest lesson is learned from pain.

Pain that hurts, there are times when we have to be sick to know. And there are times when we have to fall to grow. Sometimes we have to fail to achieve something better for our own future. Pain does not always make us a failure, because pain can also be a great lesson for us.

No matter how big the problem we face, it will show how qualified we are.

When you feel worthless in the eyes of others. When you feel inappropriate for other people. So that's when we immediately take ourselves in a better direction.

Everyone has their respective times of failure and success. Not necessarily what is successful now will be successful in the future. And it is not certain that what is suffering now will continue in the future. When we do good, then we will also get rewarded. Likewise if we commit crimes.

The past is a lesson for the future, and tells us to fight for it. "Failure is not hope and success is the goal." Failure or success, we keep trying for an obligation. Don't be too sorry about the past, no matter how much regret we have, it will never change the past.
When we can do it, we are great people. At least, appreciate ourselves who have tried but failed.

Appreciate ourselves who have sacrificed but are never considered. And appreciate ourselves who try to be strong in the face of bad things, and do not compare our failures with the success of others. Because it will torture ourselves.

So, we only need a chair to sit on, or a bed to lie down on. That's when we start thinking, when will we get back up?


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