Discussion on the Question "Do You Believe in God?"

Props to @beograd for sharing this link where Jordan Peterson is asked this question.

His answer is frustrating for many people, and without speaking for anyone but myself, I'll attempt to answer the same question with perhaps a little more explanation (which may or may not fall within the same realm as Jordan Peterson's regard for the concept of God):

0:13 - 0:45

"It's an attempt to box me in..."

If someone were to ask me whether I believe in God, we must first come to an understanding of what 'God' means to you.

When my understanding of what your interpretation of God means to you, then I can either relate to you and agree that I interpret God the same way, or disagree by sharing what my interpretation of God means to me.

Some people interpret the nature of God as described in the Christian bible, as an omniscient and omnipotent father-like figure who watches over each one of us and has a direct and influential, sentient impact on our lives.

Others may interpret God as "The Force," as described in the Star Wars series of movies.

Still others may interpret God as a "higher power" that defies description, yet still carries some unknowable yet influential impact on our lives.

I believe in God.
That doesn't mean that if you believe in God, that we both believe in the same thing.

Which brings us to the next word, "believe."

Do you believe there is a higher power?
If so, do you believe that higher power is as exactly described in the Bible? Do you believe all of the stories in both the New and Old Testaments happened exactly as described?

Answering for only myself, I absolutely believe in a power greater than ourselves. I also believe that humanity, for thousands of years, has carried that belief that some power greater than ourselves exists.

Do I believe in all of the stories from the Bible?

I don't know.

Perhaps they happened exactly the way they were described.

Look at today: I can call my friends in Australia and speak to them face to face, with no lag time, with a device I have in my pocket, and can do this at a cost of pennies per minute (essentially for free).

Is it that unreasonable that someone walked on water, cured blindness with a touch, or turned water into wine?

Surely speaking face to face with someone literally on the other side of the planet qualifies as a miracle! Yet any two people, each with a smart phone, can accomplish this same miraculous feat.


"I Act as if God Exists"

As do I.

My interpretation of "The logos," as Jordan Peterson describes, is the ideal we are presented with where we have the ability to maximally transcend ourselves to achieve enlightenment, or a peak state where our ego and our environment achieve absolute harmony.

Perhaps, to be "One with God."

Whether this is actually possible is unknown.

Across cultures, we are presented with stories of individuals (Christ, Buddha, the prophet Muhammad) who HAVE transcended from wherever all of us are at this very moment.

Their guiding principles demonstrate a path, one which we may aspire to, in order to achieve a position closer to their awareness of reality as we recognize it. A state of supreme harmonious existence IN reality.

Heaven on Earth.

Harmonious synchronicity with everything around us...

Being 'one' with the Force, perhaps?

Do I believe in a power greater than ourselves? Yes.

Do I KNOW there's a power greater than ourselves?

Do I believe we can perform miracles?

Do I know if we can transcend our current state of self to an elevated state of being?

I've experienced glimmers of that in my own life; whether that permanent state of being can be achieved, I don't know.

I hope my own answer, to the question above, offers more insight into just how difficult a question it is; no doubt my answer will further frustrate some people while illuminating the nature of the question for others.

I do know this:
LOVE is the answer; expressing sheer joy at the awakening of our own energetic awareness, and giving yourself to recognizing the sentient awareness of energy around you, reciprocates upon you additional joy magnified exponentially.

THAT idea, like so many more things in life we each need to experience (for ourselves) to believe, cannot be taught or 'learned.'

It needs to be experienced.

Love is that path.

@scan0017 😘

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