Vulnerability and living with an open heart (and setting boundaries along the way)

I like to do feedback exercises with those close to me periodically (simply for self-awareness) and without fail, when I ask people about my strengths, the list always includes vulnerability, authenticity, or transparency.

It continues to surprise me when I am reminded that vulnerability isn't a natural way of being for most people. I'm pretty sure I've been vulnerable and transparent since I was a child. In fact, before really tapping into my awareness, I was unaware that sometimes I would overshare or trust blindly.


There is an important distinction to be aware of between empowered vulnerability and attention-seeking victimhood.

The first requires self-awareness and setting boundaries, the latter usually includes a need for attention from an outside source and blind trust.

A good way to check in with yourself is by asking the following questions:

  • What is my intention behind sharing this moment of vulnerability?
  • Am I attached to the idea of receiving a certain response by sharing?
  • Do I feel empowered and safe, or disempowered and fearful?
  • Am I still worried about what others might think?
  • Do I have boundaries in place?

All in all, vulnerability can be a powerful practice when we are mindful of our intentions and setting boundaries.

Samantha Lynn

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