Difficulty with writing. Being lazy.

I've been spurred into writing something with more substance after the SteemPlus addon decided to label my posts as 'spammer'.

Admittedly they were not long-form blogs. I was really just throwing certain texts out onto the blockchain as they inspired me. I experimented with some other front-ends. I've not taken it very seriously.

So I stand accused of spam. Maybe there is a degree of that. I found the posts had value for me. I could do more.

I hope that people will come to appreciate anything I create in the future for the effort it has taken me.

The idea of a 'sacredwriter' was an idea I have had that all writing that describes our experience of the sacred is a sacred text.

We have many sacred texts that have become recognized and widely accepted. I've read many of them, in part or in full. Along the way, I have found many of the personal writings of others that seem just as insightful.

The laws of the Universe are written in our hearts. As we explore the heart and write about it, new sacred writings are created. I'm hoping to bring some of them to the attention of others while exploring my own.


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