POEM: Clarity


Dare I stray from bosomed love
Heart divine
Or turn to part from it

For my wandering would leave me
Blind and numb
And more calloused than I would admit

I could not know what love
By breadth or width
Would be like perched in my chest

Until I measured my traits
Energy mixed
And loved what divine hands knit

My ignorance like fallen leaves decline
When I strive
To fight seasonal flow

But in love I know light lands on me
Matching the timbre
Of my elemental tone

I remember watching The Matrix over a hundred times to tease out the gems buried in that film. The one I am resonating with now is "Know Thyself."

It is a shame some people pass through their time at home and due to conflict, worry, struggle, they never get to take full inventory of what energies they possess. The things that make them unique that contribute to helping the world be a better place.

One could go through years of schooling. Then enter work still blind to who they are, but by the time one has the comfort to see themselves, they have already been instinctually pulled to follow their energies which may or may not clash with their surroundings. Almost like a child that has just learned how to walk. They don't understand any of the processes of energy or flow. They just feel the movement and go.

But the idea of "Know Thyself" comes and tears the Capricornian structures down. For our Matrix says, "Know the System." Because it is from the system's teat that you will live. And you will often be shunned for knowing yourself because it is a dangerous path. You may not find what you are looking for.

But over the arc of time, as empires rise and fall, you will stand, and you owe it to yourself to look and see what gifts and abilities you possess. They may be overt and seen in action or experienced by the senses. They may smell like the heaven scent of a fresh baguette. Or they may be covert and only seen in second- or third-order effects. You may be a lucky charm that enables others to find their gift. You may say or do something that only bears fruit years after you plant the seed.

If I had one prayer to pray for you, it truly would be to know yourself. Or at least get to know what energies you have. Then you can appreciate yourself and start to make plans to maximize or leverage your energies for your holistic wellbeing.

But at the heart of knowing oneself is the gem of all existence. If you know yourself and truly understand and appreciate you, you will love yourself. You are a snapshot of the wondrous universe. And the universe longs to see you evolve and grow. It loves to see where you started. When you see yourself as the universe and the divine do, then you have no choice but to respond with love. And it is precisely at that moment that the gem that many never acquire is placed in your hand.

It is not a gem for value, although its rarity would make it priceless. It is not a gem for adornment, even though it is too beautiful for words. It is a gem for comparison. For when you know and love yourself, you will easily be able to understand who truly loves you for who you are. You can take their energies and actions and place them on one side of a scale, then place the gem on the other.

If anyone claims to love you but they only try to manipulate you to avoid facing their fears, then they may have energy for you to transmute. But they are not truly there to support you on your quest to make the world better. Another scenario can happen when one doesn't know themselves, which is even worse. A person knows of your gifts, and they use them against you to control you. If you somehow exit that Minotaur's maze, you are useless to them. And often you are deemed useless if you are uncontrollable. They will tell everyone you know that you are useless to fortify themselves against any decisions taken against you.

Comparison is the thief of joy, but being around those who do not love you is making a bed in a graveyard. If it is your job to work in low-energy environments such as this, then that is one thing. But to continually expose yourself to this creates a difficult energy imbalance to compensate for. There aren't enough hours to sleep the sadness away or enough pints of cookie dough ice cream to eat the pain away.

I assume it gets worse and worse after this, but knowing yourself helps you filter this path out of your life or gain enough objectivity to learn how to balance your life so you receive the love you deserve.

One of the purposes of a parent is to teach a child how to use self-worth to cure all their wounds and cure others with similar wounds. To use knowledge and love as an elixir enabling one to boldly go into the world on their quests and do good. And banish all limiting beliefs, for there is no limit or scarcity in the kingdom of abundance.

Chiron natives are beautiful because they chart out life purpose. Starting with the wound that one must heal. And when they heal, they can help others with the same problems. They are valued for this and enable a quality of life that is unmatched.

Because, as I said, we are snapshots of the divine, knowing self is not as simple as reading a book and committing the plot to memory or watching a movie and knowing every line in the script. It is a process of diving deep and observing how and why we do things in line with our energy and out of line that we might grow from all things that come our way. And also a process of appreciating the treasures of this deep dive and guiding others to follow this process.

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