Dropping 13,000 words... Rewriting everything left.


I was performing the part of my writing my novel where I'm not actually writing physically, but writing it in my mind and I came to a realization. I'm writing three books in a single book...

Well, that just won't do...

So, I've separated out the two other books from the single one. It's cut my word count down significantly, but it's left me with a more concise story. It's also made me realize that I wrote the protagonist completely backwards... In the beginning he is already the man I want him to be at the END...


So now I have to go back, rewrite his entire introduction as the character he was BEFORE he went through the trials I'm about to unleash on him.

It's exactly like I am starting from scratch...

That doesn't bother me though. I want this to be a quality story not a throw away. I want people to meet Kahlo and learn about how he became the man that some will hate and some will love and several will fear...

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