My #1 goal setting hack: the bullet journal


I’ve written before about how I use a bullet journal to organize my thoughts and my life, and keep my goals on track. If you want to learn more about this system, which was developed by a organizational and efficiency genius named Ryder Carroll, then check out
There’s also a few digital versions on the marketer for those of you who are less attached to pen and paper.

As an example of how my bullet journal works for me, I use the layout in the above photograph to track how often I post to social media — namely Instagram. One of my goals is to be more active online, providing valuable and interesting content on writing and the writing process, and to build a following/community. It’s a small thing, but I find it rewarding to colour in each day I’ve created a new post. It helps me to see that I’m making progress.

If you’re interested in all things writing, editing and inspiration, join me on Instagram @birchbark_creative or Twitter @birchbark_c

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