Are we all SLAVES of the central banks?

What did we learn from the 2008 financial crisis? Not much, unfortunately. The status-quo has continued with even more force and effectiveness. The illusion of prosperity has usurped the fragility of reality. We want to believe that things have changed, that everything will be all right. We want to believe that life will continually improve with all these new gadgets and technology. Who cares if the fiat financial system enslaves us? What’s important is that we must scrape together all we have, so we can pre-order the iPhone X! We can now use emojis that imitate us with advanced facial recognition! Good shit! Life is great! Good always prevails over evil: that’s just how it is! I mean, who doesn’t make mistakes? Because of their failures, banks have been enlightened to help us. The banks have our backs this time: they won’t screw up again and steal our money.

NAH, screw these scumbags. FOOK the banks. FOOK these crooks!
I read an article earlier this week on CNBC about bitcoin that seemed quite ironic to me. Jamie Dimon, CEO of JPMorgan Chase, said that bitcoin is “worse than tulip bulbs” and that it is a “fraud”. What a fooking clown. We bailed his ass out and saved his life at our expense and he is talking shit. It is sickening how arrogant these banksters are. They think we are idiots and dumbed-down. They think they own us (which they do, at this point ☹). They think they have the authority to decide how we should live our lives. Look at this sick person trying to delegitimize bitcoin as he feels threatened by the rise of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrencies’ market cap is only $150 billion and he fears for his livelihood. What a poosy. Fook this guy and fook the banks. The central banks and all its minions trying to preserve this centralized, corrupt financial system controlled by the global elites are nothing more than crooks. These crooks don’t give a shit about us. They just want more and more control!
Why do we need this corrupt, manipulative, and out-of-control fiat banking system that has no sensible end-game? How can a centralized, debt-based financial system run by psychopaths survive in the long run? They think that this broken system is the future. They think that we can be controlled. None of them have a solution to stop the next financial crisis, because there is no solution. We need a better and fairer financial system, and that system is being developed through decentralized cryptocurrencies. We now have a way out, away from these control-freaks who are marching us towards the financial apocalypse. We don’t need to stay as slaves of the legacy system. The banks may not go away completely, but their power to do harm to our lives can be mitigated. Cryptocurrencies must succeed, or we are going to experience some very sad times.

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