The Four Types of Remote Workers

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whether you’ve been dealing with newly work-from-home team members during the pandemic or have always managed remote workers, you’ve probably noticed certain tendencies. Everyone’s work personalities play out in different ways when they are remote. The science shows that they tend to be more productive, but what does that really mean? Here are the four types of remote workers.

The Zoom Addict

This colleague is highly extroverted. They deeply miss the opportunity to stroll by everyone’s desk and interrupt them for the latest gossip. Now that your team is having regular Zoom meetings, they eagerly sign into the call before anyone else, then talk over everyone in the call. You may need to have a conversation with this coworker about their custom backgrounds.

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The Workaholic

Some people take working-from-home as an opportunity to prove their competence. These are the folks who already checked work email at 2 a.m. and are now completely plugged into work. To them, no commute = more time to work. Be mindful of how much they’re working: few things are worse than a team member who crashes and burns from stress.
The Beleaguered Parent
You’ve seen your colleague whip out their phone to show photos of their kids (and pets) more times than you can count. Now, their gushing has been replaced by constant complaints about young Susie, Bobby, or Fluffy bugging them — and the occasionally videobomb of a Zoom call. Not only that, but also they’ve seemed a little … distracted. Take some time to chat with them about setting some boundaries.

The Veteran Remote Worker

Then there’s that team member who’s always been remote and always will be. They’re an expert at all things Skype, Slack, and Zoom, and you honestly have no idea what they look like. As everyone else struggles to figure out the new project management team, you can rely on the Veteran Remote Worker to let them know they’re waiting for y’all to get your shit together.
Struggling to manage your remote team? It pays to understand them. Everyone has quirks that are highlighted by remote work situations. By developing a management style that emphasizes everyone’s strengths, you can help them adjust to a remote work situation. And please be sure to remind everyone of the mute button in Zoom.


Rachel Wayne

Writer by day, circus artist by night. I write about art, media, culture, health, science, and where they all meet.

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