How to make close to 500k in one month as a student by freelancing on Upwork

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We are all conversant with the hustle and need to be independent once in University. If you haven't noticed it, you are yet to, and you will experience this urge in your later years in College, precisely from your second year onwards....
Unless you have been privileged to come from a rich home, where you have been raised feeling entitled to everything
I was once in such a state of mind. I was pampered and never had too much to worry about, basking in my monthly allowance and abundant funds for whatsoever. This of course, was when my father was alive.

"You live a life of Assumption, because everything is being handed to you." My Father had once said.

This never bothered me, Then. I felt as a female i shouldn't have to worry about needs. I felt comfortable. Frankly, this is how most females feel: That since their needs are being cared for or they are being overly pampered, there should be no issues. They'll study a minor course and end up marrying a well to do man.

But that comfort didn't last long. My father died a year later and this happened in my second semester year one. Things took a dark turn and making ends meet became difficult.
Now, i must mention that i was a budding writer in secondary school. I wrote a lot of stories that were stolen before i could finish. I wanted to become a writer...But somehow, in my SS3, i lost the drive. I wanted to do medicine. I wanted a bigger course.

"You should develop your talents and go where your talents are, You will excel." My father had said when i chose Science over Arts.

I do regret my decision today. After two trials and not getting my dream course. I study something else and it was during this time my father passed. I no longer had allowances. I was no more comfortable. I struggled.

Then i decided, i was going to try anything and start fending for myself. I remember that night i surfed the web all night till i stumbled upon Upwork. At first, i did not take it seriously. The world's leading Freelance site. freelancing? Would they take writing?

But today i can say I'm glad i chose to register that day and a month later i had made almost five hundred thousand Naira in cash. It pains me to see graduates with so many skills needed in the Upwork community but no means to survive.

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These where the things i did.


After opening an account, You must edit your profile to professional perfection.

Anything below this, Upwork rejects and even if you scale that, clients will overlook your proposals.
Make a compelling bio. Highlight your skills and work history. If you have certificates, attach. choose a professional profile picture. choose reasonable rates and all other applicable things.
Do not Lie, or at least not too much, Upwork agents screen through profiles carefully and cross-check before they accept new freelancers.
When writing a bio, try not to focus too much on yourself but rather on what the client can benefit from choosing you!

Submission And The WAIT

This is not an easy part. After crossing the ts and dotting the Is, you have to submit for Upwork inspection. It takes Upwork twelve hours to twenty four hours to get back to you and when they do, it could be with bad or good new. The good news is Upwork sending you an acceptance email or it could be Upwork sending you a rejection letter like this:

Setting Billing methods

Upwork allows you to choose the best payment method for you.
Before setting up a payment method on Upwork, double check your account number(s) and details carefully. Accurate entry of these details is your responsibility and essential for successful withdrawals.

Go to the Accounts menu > Settings > Get Paid
Click Add a Payment Method
Click the Set Up button for your chosen method and enter the info requested
Choose a payment schedule and click Next
For security reasons, your new payment method will become active in three days
Consider setting up a second payment method as a backup, just in case your first one isn't available for some reason. You can add as many as you want and make changes as needed.

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Completion Of Other Details

Aside these, there are other details your profile needs before it's top notch. Link your profile to your social media so your client can check up on you to confirm the details you have given.
You also have to add your Tax information at some point and Add to your portfolio, etc.


You can now apply to jobs on your job feed but you must take care to note how you write a cover letter. This is the selling point. First of all be brief unless the client has set job questions for you to answer.
Introduce yourself, highlight the client's needs that YOU can satisfy and why he should choose you. Then go on to highlight you skills to solidify that fact. You may make references to your previous works and also add attachments.

Upwork Tests

It would also do you good to take Upwork tests in your field. If you pass extremely well, you can display these test results on your profile as a boost to gain client confidence. If you fail, you can choose not to display the result and take the test again three months later.


You must take care to please your client once hired. Clients can be mean and overbearing but you must strive to please them within the contract boundaries. Doing a shabby job or disrespecting a client will only cause you harm. After the close of each contract, the client will give public feedback of your work, which will be displayed on your profile for all to see. If you did a good job, a commentary recommending you will be displayed on your profile from this client. If you did a bad job, other clients won't like to hire you.

Also, Be respectful to deadlines, put in your all to your works and you will grow. four five star reviews in quick succession gives you a "rising talent badge", which recommends you immediately to new clients.
You should also know that Upwork takes 20% of your earnings till you make your first 500$, then they charge a 10$ till you make your first 10k $, the due is reduced to a 5%. So more money as you keep earning!

I did all this and i was earning a weekly stipend of. 50 to 75k. It was mesmerizing. Almost unbelievable but it was highly worth and i am proud i was able to use one of my skills to feed and get paid in such manner. I intend to work harder and develop my skill to greater heights.
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