What is Warp Speed?


"n. An extremely rapid speed or state of activity.
literally, a speed faster than the speed of light; fig., an extremely high speed, usually the fastest possible; -- used only in the figurative sense except in fiction.
n. A hypothetical, extremely rapid, speed, resulting from entering a separate dimension, termed hyperspace; much faster than the speed of light."

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Nov 11th 2012 journal entry

“Ive come to realize that I’m not as collected as I would like to think I am, but also not as disconnected as others make me out to be.

I’m simply floating around waiting for all of the plots to come together, from the first turn of a page, for it to all make sense, for the happy ending. For rest.

But for now. I’m the white space between the lines, interpreted differently, every time you read, or every time I do, all depending on who does, and how they wish to perceive

That in the true art of deceit and diplomacy
The key to finding ones definite self

You can’t
You’ll only ever have a general idea, like a dream you struggle to remember,
Where only the most important aspects seemed real.”

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"August 10th, 2020 Journal Entry:

So, Grand scheme. There’s God. (A singular photon that extends energy outward throughout voidspace aka “outerspace”) This is first thought. First baton. Consciousness is born. First baton is passed on, and creation is born. creation breeds Life. Life then breeds galaxies and planets and nations and species and culture and art and science and math and all things connect as one. There was a beautiful full space, that needed a directory. Enter Earth. An experiment created to store data from all throughout existence, populated by a species of super computers that had the ability to house and host beings from other planets and dimensions. This zone, in order to work properly, needed to be autonomous from the singularity and source of creation. Aka Free Will Zone. However, universal law is upheld by the singularity in all other spaces. As in, things that do not vibe or mathematically compute will be eliminated by means of error cache. Fading away or re-routing of energies. I.e gods will.
So, it was (GW) that allowed for creation of earth; but also permitted not to interfere except in matters of endangerment to the experiment as a whole. Yet, other parts of creation were not limited from taking part in this experiment, but were actually encouraged to do so in order to better understand themselves. They brought things from the heavens to the beings that occupied the Earth. They brought fire; the screw, the wheel. Then they waited for a little while, let them get used to it; then they would come back again, give them irrigation, farming, etc. (stair step evolution) they would teach them things about stars and technology and about consciousness. But, because of the nature of the earth, they would forget. Earth math doesn’t even compare to cosmic math and sacred geometry. It’s wild.

So, years go by in this cycle. Then along comes spiritual evolution, with multiple gods surfacing to measure different means of ascension into other dimensions based on their preferred method. Then this happens again for a while. And finally they cut down to one god and several prophets, a few of them stick. All the major ones. They’re all about the same groups of people. ETs that we’re working on Earth at the time. They laid out a very well detailed plan using the ability to foresee the future, having already lived it

Because time travel works in such a strange way, it’s literally the circle of life
The quantum loop

So you just pick a point on the loop and you’re there

Anywho, fast forward a LOT more. Their well laid plan is working, VERY well. In fact, it was like a 1000000trillion point plan. They spent hundreds of years leaving clues and popping in to change events to alter the timeline for this to succeed."

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"Right now, curated here in this post, penned and inked to the blockchain, I will put into digital writing these words; a witness.

As time becomes more fluid, like a rushing river, as the gap closes and the bridge is crossed into a new dawn, I wish to stop time for a moment to appreciate this. To appreciate a team of individuals who has warmed my heart. To appreciate a world that has gone through so much struggle to achieve such enlightenment and peace and love.

We will be living in love, breathing in love, cohesively with the universe and all those that reside in it soon enough. Operation Warp Speed.

This fast fractal anomaly will be one that will be spoken of for ages. It's already the talk of the timeline. Can't you hear them buzzing? Can't you see all the cogs moving with their pieces perfectly in tune and in step?

It's a VERY Merry Merry C H R I S T-mas indeed, and it's only November.

This Multidimensional Map can be read by closing your eyes, these words and sounds of the universe are heard by quieting your soul, your ego, and these experiences are found simply by asking, and allowing yourself to receive the inner knowing.

Trust your intuition.

It is important to ground yourself into the reality that you want to live in.

But, important to leave out expectations, in order to make room for surprises (;

Because no matter how far backwards or forwards I may go, the only moment that is presented to me to change is now. And now is the time to be thankful, to pray, to worship, to feel, to be."

    H. M.
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