For something so small it's one of the hardest thing to do when considering how life has treated you unfairly. The heart breaks, shattered dreams, lost loved ones. So it's only logical to be sad, but do you need to show the world how broken you have become??. It's amazing what you can hide just by putting on a smile.

Smiles do a lot more than simply let the world know you’re happy. They don’t even have to be genuine to have some effect, but truest smiles do you the most good

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Your smile might just brighten someone's day, research shows that smile is contagious. I went to a boutique one day to buy some shirts and to my greatest surprise one of the customers i randomly smiled at paid for an extra shirt and she told me i just made her day, i was amazed!!
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Unknown to must people smiling has its own health benefits.

▪lower heart rate: smiling slows the heart and relaxes the body
▪smiling lifts the mood
▪smiling increases productivity
▪smiling is contagious
▪smiling makes one look younger
▪boost immune system
▪And also smiling increases attention

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