Some clues to recognize by yourself you are a writer

  Writing is my world. Inside it, I could reflect what I am. No matter the reason on writing something. Writing is a constantly expression of mine. To me expression can be defined as an attitude and perspective of life. Of course, it’s chancing over years and it involves feeling unexpected.   

  The fact is it isn’t easy to expound angles on writing somewhat. Some people can say writing is not an art or expression. But if someone does, it converts an exceptional manifestation inside human being.   

  In a world of chancing, in which experiences have different personal developments like knowledge and wisdom, it is not easy to challenge this world of writing.   

  So, the first connection a writer could have with another one relapses in an inspiration perceptible in that story written by the other writer.   

  Then, an essence on writing is: Inspiration!   

  Definitely, mental inspiration I feel on writing is amusing. Identifying with another writer to give several steps in that unknown world is too significant. But it just doesn’t finish with me; it also expands with another apprentices. Writing is prominent in all people who try to connect in this world of words.   

  Relevant in starting to feel that connection, in spite of troubles, it’s strength to provide me internal peace and comfort.   

  A read a comment someone said before: ‘‘…My creative innocence, however, was tainted once again, for I realized that whether I wrote fiction or truth, my writing would ultimately be associated with the real me…’’ so, fear and doubts might be linked in writing’s world.   

  Self-improvement has to be a fact.  I also have to add that my definition of writing is too similar to art. Art of creation, art of imagination, art in reflect myself from my own essence. For this reason, brainstorming begins after an internal big bang. All of us have it. My whole experience as writer express, it is just looking for being bright. On the other hand, what is the essence of writing?   

  Sometimes writing produces a lot of frustration:  

   ‘‘If you stick to a certain form and process the writing is simple. It just takes time to formulate and articulate your ideas intelligently’’   

  It is an example to find a way through writing and get a personal touch. I think it isn’t a weakness to make mistakes on writing. It is just a part of process to me and all apprentices. It makes me a better writer in which I am aware of the meaning it delineates.    

  After all, writing process require more than inspiration, creation and expression. Absolutely, it’s vital to know how to get on grammar, redaction and punctuation. It is not very easy coordinate in what manner to write but it obliges of time and effort to perfect it.   

  A determination to be a writer is being a reader too. It helps me to improve each day. Now, I consider a better writer than when I started to do it before.   

  I learnt this phrase by someone:  

   "Never too late to start learning, but it will be too late if you just sit down and do nothing"   

  Every person starts to do essays, poems, and lyrics in a broken mode. So, it isn’t a surprise. But, it might be a terrible astonishment to stop. Never, I stop! I know it is hard sometimes.   

   Reading is a fascination; certainly, it is notion to expand as writer. Otherwise, troubles are everywhere; I just make sure to have my own will to carry on. Identifying through books like I did, it makes to give several steps. On the other hand, writing entail to creative something new, it denotes a satisfaction to me.  

  But it’s important to consider each drafting to get a desired essay. In all this time, writing involves learning to me. Connecting with other writers to understand different points of view it’s encouraging.   

  My decision to start like writer it doesn’t mean I’m going to advertise what I write. It is just to be a creative person in whom I feel proud and full inside of me. 

Never finish something: If all would be easy, everyone gets it!   

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