That's true, they don't understand

sometimes people don't know, that we need it whereas only the other person, just a joke, where could share smile, where say good morning, though often oversleep. perhaps later occasional share grief not want to complain, just need some hear. sometimes people not misrepresented but did not understand. believe people as we always be easy target the human wretched ..

Terkadang orang gak paham, yg kita butuh itu padahal cuma lawan bicara, cuma tempat bercanda, tempat bisa berbagi senyum, tempat mengatakan selamat pagi, walaupun sering kesiangan. Boleh jadi nanti sesekali berbagi kesedihan bukan mau mengadu, cuma butuh ada yg dengar. Terkadang orang bukan salah mengartikan tapi memang gak paham. Percayalah orang-orang seperti kita selalu menjadi sasaran empuk para manusia celaka..


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