The True History Of The Myth Of Persephone

Pay attention that today I will tell you the story of the myth of Persephone.

Our history begins in ancient Greece. And it begins with Demeter, the goddess of fertility and harvests, and a very ...

Important. After the war Demeter was consecrated as the goddess of agriculture and let's say she is responsible for the plants and trees growing.

Demeter had only one daughter and it was her adoration, in fact everyone loved her. The girl's father was Zeus. Zeus and Demeter were ...


But well, the girl was named Persephone and she was beautiful, innocent and carefree, and everyone loved her and loved her.

Especially his mother. But there was a God who watched and wished it secretly, from his throne in the underworld, and that god was Hades.

But the girl did not know that she was observed and spent her days walking carefree and happy with her friends picking flowers.

One afternoon when she was with her friends, the earth opened and a shadow began to come out of the ground and a figure on a war chariot appeared.

It was Hades that came for her.

He struggled with the young woman who, terrified, tried to flee but was useless. Hades took her with him to the underworld to become his wife.

Her mother looked for her from all corners of the world but in vain, Persephone had disappeared and Demeter's sadness made her ...

The flowers withered, the sun no longer came out, the trees lost their leaves, the earth was sad because Persephone was gone.

Zeus discovered that Persephone was in the land of the dead and demanded that Hades release her.

Hades fearing the wrath of Zeus let her go, even gave him a fruit for the way back.

And so Persephone after eating, was about to leave the underworld and about to meet her mother when ...

She could not leave, Hades had deceived her, because if someone tastes food from the Underworld, she can never leave it

Persephone was condemned.

The young woman did not return with her mother and she, filled with sadness, let the earth be infected by her pain, the flowers died, the trees ...

They lost their leaves, the sun did not heat as before.

Zeus knew that Hades had complied and it was Persephone's mistake that condemned her.

But Zeus could not let the earth die and go down to negotiate with Hades and Persephone agreed to stay in the underworld with her husband.

In exchange for Hades leaving her for 6 months with her mother on earth, she would be 6 months with him and so on every 6 months.

And so Persephone returned with her mother and the earth flourished again.

And the day that Persephone returns with Hades, the earth will become sad and autumn begins and then winter.

And so year after year.

Since then when Persephone returns to earth the flowers bloom and the trees are green and the weather is pleasant.

Do you know when?

The day that Persephone returns, is when spring begins.

And that is the story of the myth of Persephone.

And the origin of the seasons of the year.


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