3 words you must learn how to say

It requires courage for someone to stand back and look objectively and honestly at his/her life and work. There are some decisions in life that sometimes we just have to admit that we made a errors, which probably has affected the situation of today.

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There are three statement you should try and learn to say, many today don't want to admit they have done something wrong, or made mistakes, there are ways how we can learn how to say these words, which could be help if you want to succeed in what you are doing.

In today's topic I am going to discuss the three statement we should learn to use.

1. I was wrong

Everybody always want to prove themselves right at a particular time in whatever they do in their lifetime, many management have have face great problem about this when they thought everything is right in the first place until something went wrong, you should always be prepared to admit that "you are wrong" so as to minimize whatever problem caused as much as possible.

2. I made a mistake

We all try as much as possible to avoid this in whatever we do, but we are not perfect because we are human beings, we should learn to say this statement, there is no mistake as big that has not happened to someone, and has already been corrected, some ego may be causing the reason for not wanting to admit mistakes, before you know it becomes bigger and bigger and becomes big problem, learn to say "I made a mistake".


3. I have changed my mind

Many of us believe, saying such a statement like this shows a sign of weakness to reverse a decision that was already made, these might be because of the experience we had in the past, this if done is a sign of courage, character and competence to realize a change in a particular situation, you should learn to say "I have changed my mind", it could only get better at most.


Image sources : pixabay

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