DELILAHH !!!! A silvery voice suddenly coming from left. It was Sarah.

“I’m sorry I’m late, I had to help my mum first before going out” said Sarah while gasping some air.

Sarah, a 5’3’ tall girl who is Delilah’s best friend since high school. They always stick together even seated in the same class until everyone thought they were fraternal twins at the first place. Both of them also had the same length of hair just Sarah’s hair is a little bit curly than her. Now they are both 23 years old and Sarah works as psychologist in a hospital where Delilah, just about to pursue her master in Biological Science of Zoology at The University of Western Australia.

“It’s okay Sarah. Besides, I just arrived here 10 minutes ago so it’s not that late” said Delilah.

Then they both go to their favourite cafe, Jamba Juice. Sarah grabbed some gingerbread cookie that she ordered and sipped on her favourite coffee caramel milkshake.

“I can’t believe that you’re leaving so soon! Like less than 24hour??” she said while pressing her lips together. “Now who’s going to celebrate New Year with me?”
“Well..., we can skype on that day” Delilah laughed. “Don’t worry Sarah, I’ll be back soon. 2 years is not that long. You are no difference with my mum!”
“Make sure you didn’t forget to send me your photos once you arrived okay. I don’t want to felt left out in this exciting journey. And I’ll make sure I’ll send my photos with a background of my boring office every day to you, just so you won’t forget me” Sarah smiled. A smiled that reaches both of her eyes.

“You know, I’m quite surprised that my dad was agreed with this decision. Unlike mum. I had to convince her for 3 days in a row” Delilah said while munched on her green tea macha parfait. “At first I was in a hesitation too since I’m their only daughter and who is going to look after my parents. Luckily my aunt and her family moved next to our house not long ago so at least my parents have someone to rely on when I’m not around”.
“And thanks God, I have some money from my commission works and also the salary from my part-time on that small printing company, So I didn’t really have to worry about the fees”
“What a relieved” Sarah said.
“Hey, I know you’re still sad on what Fyn did but are you sure you’re going to be okay there…alone?” she asked. “Completely.” Delilah nodded. “I think I’m slowly getting better in handling my emotions.
“I know things pretty tough sometimes, but you’ll be good, I know you will” Sarah smiled.

Delilah looked at Sarah. Shimmering. She still remembered that day when Sarah was crying out so bad over her breakup with Brandon when she find out that he cheated on her, even more worse, she find it out on their first anniversary. On that night, Sarah went to her house and they ended up watching all Golden Girls series and sang sad songs together just to comfort each other.

“Yeah, you’re right. But please bear with me if suddenly the next 3 days you received a phone call from me, crying and asking tips how to move on” Delilah laughing.
“It’s okay, you know where to find me if that happen.” Sarah chuckled. “You’re a good kid, and a good friend Del.” She said.
“We’ll still see each other and I’ll take you to dinner even when you’re married or retired Sarah”
"Let's go to karaoke after this, I've been longing to sing Whitney Houston songs" Sarah broadly smiled.

And that day, they spend their whole day together in the town doing their favorite stuffs.


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