That evening, Delilah was busy packing her stuff, clearing her rooms. Making sure that everything in the list was already in her bag. Journal Knitted sweater Shoes

And the list goes on.

"Did u really have to go?" her mother suddenly showed up in the room.
"I know, but that's also mean that I only got to see you like once a year? And I don't know how I feel about that, Delilah"
"It is not easy to pass that exam mum and I really think Australia is a good choice to pursue my study, beside it is now or never" Delilah look into her mum eyes. Her mother always wanted her to stay close to home and honestly, she also don't want to be far away from her mum.
"Who's gonna cook you every day? Who's gonna do tell you to clean your room everyday and who's gonna wakes you up after this?"
"Okay, now you sound just like dad. I know you are worried about me but you must admit, this is the best. Besides, my apartment are not that far from supermarket and I don't mind eating eggs everyday". Delilah chuckled while convincing her mum.
"Did Fyn knows this?"
Delilah slowly shook her head.
"Why?" her mum asked.
"You know he won't reply. Hope is a mistake mum, plus I already changed my email and number."
"Hmm okay then, do you want me to help you packing?" She folded some of Delilah's clothes.
"It's okay mum. I'll be done in 15 minutes." She's smiling.
"Okay, I'll be waiting for you at downstairs" Her mum smiled back. Deep down, she knew that her daughter have a rough time dealing with personal stuff.
"Thank you mum"

Delilah wasn't exactly sure how she felt at this moment. In next 2 days, she will be leaving. Pretty sure she was scared especially knowing that she will be alone in a new place, new environment, new air. But at the same, its gonna be one exciting journey that ever happened in her life. She knows, new situations can be intimidating. You looking around and it's all scary and different, but you know. Meeting them head-on, charging into them like a bull. That's how we grow as people.

And after getting used with the heartbroken when Fyn suddenly disappeared. She's starting to felt that it wasn't that bad. It shouldn't have been. It's not like they were married. He probably already get a new brunette girl out there. People get dumped all the time. Especially at this age. But they don't drop out of school or life. They don't spend the next decade thinking about it every time they get a chance.

Delilah grabbed the offer letter and all the important papers. She placed all of them neatly in a blue file. The same file that Fyn had when he decide to go to study abroad. Not sure if he still had them.

The next morning, Delilah borrowed her dad's car and drove to a little playground near Fyn's family house. She promised to meet her friend there, Sarah. They planned to hang out for the last time before Delilah leaving tomorrow morning. It was empty when she got there, so she sat on the merry-go-round to wait. She still remember Fyn wearing blue jacket on that day. Black jeans. With a sweet smile on his lips.

DELILAHH !!!! A silvery voice suddenly coming from left. It was Sarah.


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