Few years ago I was called by a friend of mine to help block an ATM debit card that was stolen by some hoodlums.
The story was that some guys used JUJU to control the girl so she came to her room to collect her ATM debit card then withdrew money from her account and gave to the thieves.
Now that was not the first time I have heard of such an usual method of controlling people to steal money. Back in my days in school a friend of mine suffered the same fate.
While he was returning from a weekend to school he was picked up along the road by a stranger who drove him a short distance and then asked him to alight.
He said he was not aware of himself until he got to school, by then he realized his money was gone but he couldn't recall how it happened. I have heard of several cases with the same MO, in one case a friend told me her aunt was a victim and she cleaned out her life savings to give to the thieves.
She got lost for several days and when she regained her senses she was in another local government very far away from her house.
She was unharmed but was emotional scarred It's bizzare to think that someone can be manipulated to do the biddings of another person​.
In Nigeria where every unexplainable phenomenon is credited to the devil if it's bad and to God if it's a good thing, it was cemented in our culture to believe that the cause of this act is JUJU.
Personally I have always had some doubts of such mind control particularly because people said it was JUJU.
I have my reservations concerning the whole JUJU thing but that's a story for another time. There is a documentary by Vice, an American media organization detailing the specifics of a drug that is used to render people vulnerable to mind control. The drug is largely produced in Columbia where it's used on the streets and when taken can cause an individual to obey the commands​ of another person.
The drug is SCOPOLAMINE, commonly referred to as the devil's breath.
This drug is made from nightshade flower, usually in a powdery form and can be delivered by inhalation. It is​ odourless, tastless and a quick inhalation will render a person "zonked out" making them fall under the control of another person.
It's so good that the victim will appear to others like they are taking a conscious decision.
There are usually no visible changes in mood or character of a victim.
To deliver the drug (for example in a taxi) the criminals can flap a handkerchief laced with the drug into the air as if they want to shake off dust.
It can also be delivered by blowing the powder on to someone's face.
The thieves cover their noses or simply turn their faces away to avoid inhaling the drug.
The victims​ will have no recollection of the events as the drug induces a long anterograde amnesia (meaning they forget everything that happened from when they inhaled the drug). There has been cases too in which the drug was put into food, drinks or aerosolized and sprayed via air vents in cars.
Once the drug is inhaled the victim is commanded to withdraw money from ATM or bring all their savings.
The victim will then proceed to their house to bring money or other valuables like jeweleries, phones and electronics to the thieves. The victims are told to ignore anyone who intervenes.
Unfortunately there has been cases of rape, torture and fatality as high dose of the drug can lead to systemic complications and death
There is a debate about the efficacy and use of the drug for mind control largely because incidence of scopolamine use for mind control seems to be mostly in resource poor countries. However some studies and along with various accounts of victims show that the drug can be used to strip people of their free will.
Surprisingly this same drug in moderate and low dosage is used for treatment of motion sickness via a transdermal patch and has been researched for treatment of Alzheimer's disease
The essence of this information is not to scare people or induce suspicions, this is merely an exposition of a long held myth about using Juju to control people. The intention here is to cause a rethink about certain believes that are attributed to spiritual forces.
Just because it's not explainable doesn't mean it's spiritual, when the resources becomes available any mystery can be solved.
Also, be alert when boarding a car especially one chance along the road.
If possible always take a taxi from a bus stop or park.
If you feel uneasy or suspicious that something is not right come down from the car immediately, trust your instincts
Be safe
Be smart
Be curious

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