When are we going to WAKE-UP?

Now, let’s see here! “Unless Mr. Sanders wins by a clear majority, we will put in another candidate for the Democratic Party.” Now, I do not know about you, but I was always brought up to believe that a “Majority” was mostly above the opponent’s count. Now they are saying that is a “Plurality” not a majority. The “Democratic Leadership” is doing everything in their power to get the voting public to NOT vote for Bernie Sanders. When campaigning started they stacked the deck with so many candidates that it looked like they would succeed in the attempted cover-up of a fair election. Now they are trying to pass off LIES as fact by saying “Sanders is waging war against the Democratic party” which is exactly and patently FALSE. The PRIVATE Corporation we know as the Democratic National Committee (DNC) has been trying to sabotage the Sanders campaign from day 1. There has been disinformation fed to the PURCHASED media, there has been outright LIES told by other candidates, yet through it all, Bernie Sanders has behaved like a GENTLEMAN.
The DNC has allowed, by way of a $400 million contribution, Michael Bloomberg to participate in debates, when by their own rules he HAS NOT gotten the required contributors. He was not high enough on the national polls, indeed there were 2 candidates who were on the debate stage that DID NOT garner the required level polling to qualify for the debates.
The DNC has stated that Sanders wants to change the rules he has setup for the Convention. He has not tried changing anything since it was TOM PEREZ who agreed to the terms of the convention, and TOM PEREZ who has been changing every aspect of the election from the moment he was installed as the DNC chair.
WHAT gives this PRIVATE, for profit company ANY RIGHT TO CHOOSE MY CANDIDATE? What gives ANYONE the right to make my VOTE MEANINGLESS in any ELECTION? WHEN is the American PUBLIC going to say ENOUGH?
The DNC (Democratic National CRIMINALS) who sit taking money from wealthy donors to pass laws to protect THEIR wealth has absolutely NO SAY in who should be President, or any other position.
© Mitchell 2020-02-27

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