The U.S. media really does believe we are all illiterate!

WHAT is wrong with the MEDIA? First they talk about how 3 candidates have gotten nearly twice the votes in the New Hampshire election than Bernie Sanders, and then they talk about how WONDERFUL the misogynistic Michael Bloomberg is. And they expect all of us to just fall in line and swallow this? It is almost like they are hoping that NOBODY in America knows how to read any longer.

So I see where Michael Bloomberg BOUGHT the Black Caucus in Alabama. In my mind and heart I cannot see how ANYONE with half a brain could support that alternative TRUMP! When videos of him surface where he has talked about the “Stop and Frisk” policy in NYC he openly stated “It is the 95% Colored Minority that does all the crime”. I think that over 3 years he had stopped over 5 Million people, granted some of these were the same person, some as many as 100 times. When one of his co-workers got pregnant from him and she told him about it, he simply said “Kill it”. THIS is the person you want running your Country? Keep one thing in mind if nothing else, Bloomberg is in it for Bloomberg, not for anyone else.
Do YOU want another drumpf in the White House? Leading our Country down the same primrose path? Straight into hell in a hand basket? That is what is going to happen with another BILLIONAIRE who buys the presidency. 97% of this Country cannot afford another 4 years of the Billionaires Boyz Club in WDC.
WHY else do you think he wants HRC to be his running mate? He knows that NO ONE wants her as Prez so he will be safe as long as she is there. Then I hear that the reason he is doing this is because She offered him the Secretary of State position when she was running in 2016, we all know how that turned out. I am just getting SO tired of our media that it is almost worth it to consider a move to Peru or Ecuador. Mitch, out

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