This post contains absolutely no useful information.

It is just me rambling about how meaningless its content is. There's almost no information in a post this meta. It's like a pair of binoculars that magically make you stare at the back of your head when you look through them. I could do this for as long as I wanted to and still not add anything worth reading. So far this post has 41 words in it and they are all about nothing except the post itself. After 52 words, I've wasted approximately 10 seconds of your time, as the average person reads at 308 words per minute according to my quick DuckDuckGo search. But wait! Something's wrong. Now this post does have some information in it and I've tricked you into reading it! 98 words in already and you probably feel pretty bamboozled that nearly 20 seconds of your precious time has been lost, and that you have been tricked into learning a useless random fact and have continued reading anyway for 134 words unless I messed up the counting. You might even waste even more time counting all the words so you can point out if I made an error here. Now you're getting curious and you feel compelled to count the words out of curiosity. Actually, you'll probably find a website that counts words for you, but that could still waste at least 10 seconds of your day. Either way, if you are still reading this, I have successfully written 1,397 bytes of data to share a fact that I could have told you with as little as 9 words. At this point, for everyone still reading, I have successfully kept your attention for an entire 288 words, and by the time this sentence is finished, over 308 words, and therefore taken an entire minute out of your day that you will never get back. One minute multiplied by all the people who read this to its end. Now think about this: how many minutes have been spent reading this, and how many minutes did it take for me to write this post? And when you have a satisfying estimation for that ratio, think about this: why do you even care?

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