My Writing Journey: That Green Man, Tho, 1/9/2019

On Monday, I decided to go out for a friend’s birthday. We watched Clemson clobber Alabama (didn’t see that one coming...God, now Nick Saban is definitely not retiring, and we'll have to deal with this dude for another year!). I also had a few Green Man Porters, so this entry is now officially an advertisement for how awesome that beer is; I await my sponsorship money, Green Man. We left at the start of the fourth quarter, but still didn’t get to bed until around midnight.

Last night, I literally passed out right after dinner.

Tonight, it’s game night again, after which I will likely pass out again.

All of this to say, while I made a lot of writing progress over the weekend, it’s been pretty slow-going since Monday.

Over the next few days, I’ll have a more comprehensive update of things I’ve accomplished since the first of the year. I swear I’ve done more work than it sounds like. Until next time.

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