My Writing Journey: Productive with a Side of Procrastination, 1/16/2019

Today features mostly good news.

On Monday, I wrapped up the editing stuff I had to do. It actually ended up being more fun than I thought it would be. Also, money is nice. Maybe I should take up my family’s advice and start selling my editing services...

I also managed to completely finish the work I was doing for the old @bananafish. I honestly surprised myself with how quickly I completed that one. The credit probably goes to @f3nix and @marcoriccardi for solid planning and groundwork. Details about the project will be out soon, so all I can say for now is that it’s going to be fun!

As for reading, I made it through a couple of hilarious satirical Edgar Allan Poe short stories, “How to Write a Blackwood Article” and “A Predicament.” I don’t know how those are immediately useful for my writing, but they were enjoyable reads, nonetheless.

Over the past couple of days, I definitely wasted some time with video games. I probably played too much. Last night, I stayed up until midnight playing Rocket League. I wasn’t even having fun anymore, but my brain had checked out and I didn’t feel up to any other tasks (judging by how much my rank tanked, I wasn’t even up to the task of effectively playing Rocket League). Mostly, I was procrastinating going to sleep; the dread of the workday on the other side of sleep was menacing me.

For now, I’m just going to back away from that sense of existential dread... Not enough space to get into it here, and I think that’s the kind of thing I’m supposed to talk with my therapist about.

Progress over the coming weekend will be slow because I’ll be busy with other stuff. I’m stewing on a couple of story ideas, though, and hoping to write those soon. Until next time.

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