My Writing Journey: Four Rejections, Count 'em!, 3/3/2019

A few weeks ago, I sent off four short stories. They all got rejected.

[Art by Ali Axelrod]

Two stories were set in a near-future sci-fi dystopia. One was rejected by Apex Magazine and the other by Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine. I’m beginning to suspect these stories are deeply flawed or perhaps simply cliched or boring. I had a new idea for an entry in this universe, and while it’s exciting, it’s also intimidating. I think need to start pursuing the intimidating if I hope to push myself as a writer.

Another story is a mythological fantasy about sea dwarves. The idea began as a drunken joke, but then the story ended up being a serious reflection on resource scarcity, environmental destruction, war and non-violence, and the (non)salvific nature of art. I’m proud of this story in a way I haven’t been about one in a long time. Anyway, it got rejected by Beneath Ceaseless Skies.

The last one is flash fiction. It’s an absurdist comedy entitled “Do Electric Sheep Dream of Saving the World?” If you’ve read my #finishthestory entry about Pirates or my Quest in the Realms bit about anti-matter and time travel, then you’ll get the idea of the tone. This story was rejected by Daily Science Fiction.

On the bright side, I’ve almost fully recovered from bronchitis, composed a few new articles that I submitted to Hackernoon, and I’ve resubmitted all four of the fiction stories I’ve mentioned here.

Onward, ever onward.

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