About My Life Journey! #PART 1

Hi everyone, I'm Melissa Mephibosheth. Is been a while that I write a post in Steemit already. Lately, I was run out of ideas on the topic. A few days ago, I found one of the essays that I have written when I was 14 years old, whenever I read the essay I will feel sad and cry. I think it will be better if I translate it into English version for people to read. All these weren't a crap story, is based on my personal experience.

On 20 of December 1999, I was born into this complicated world. My mom was married to my dad when she was 16 years old and my father was 27 years old. Since my mom was sixteen, she already has the habit of taking the drug and smoking, same goes for my dad. During the pregnancy of my sister, my brother and myself, she did not stop this negative habit. Therefore, when I was born, I have the high fever about 40 over degrees and born with the yellowish body, luckily I was cure by the doctor of the day.

My oldest sister name was Sum Mei Kei (Miki)and she was two years older than me. My younger brother was named Erick Sum Kai Yip and he is five years younger than me. I remembered clearly that when I was about five or six years old, my sister and I were very hungry and have no choice but to take the uncooked pork meat to eat. While my mom was still pregnant (Erick), my dad used to beat three of us using the water pipe tube.

After Erick was three months big, Miki was sent to my second aunty, Erick was raised by an Indian babysitter since he was three months big and I stay together with my grandparent. All these happened because my dad was caught in jail for about five years for some reason. My mom also go in and out from the jail many times but I manage to ask my grandmother to paid for her to get out from the jail when I was about 6 years old. Mki hates my mom until now but I love my mom. I leave behind by my mom in front of my grandparent's house, my grandfather took me in and take care of me.

This was my beloved grandfather who loves me the most and has the willingness to take care of me and educate me. He always is by my side whenever I'm in a trouble. No matter how many times I did wrong and made him angry, he will still forgive me and care for me.

Since standard 1, my friends like to disturbed me, scolded me and bullied me. I'm very sad and angry, every day non-stop crying, they bullied me and laugh at me because my mom and dad weren't around. Most of them have parent surround them but I don't have one. Even though my grandfather knew that I was bullied but he will still ask me to be patient and won't take action about it.

When is in standard 4, I moved over to my aunt's house for a year studying there. I'm happy to learn many new stuff like do house chor and cycling but I was still bullied by others. My crying didn't stop there for about a year, I decided to went back to my grandfather's house because I know that my grandfather really loves me so much. Even though I was in Bentong with my aunt, he will still travel every week from Raub to Bentong to met with me. Once a week met with him also made me felt happy.

In my own school, people still bullied me because of many things such as my parent wasn't around, I'm smarter than them after a year and more. About two years time, I have learnt the cycling skill and use my saving to design and decorate my beloved bicycle. Some of my friends will disturb me by letting off the gas out of my tyre, made me have to push the bicycle to go home. I have been always bullied and disliked by them. I don't even have the courage to fight back, I'm poor and my parent doesn't even come back and visit me.

I admit that sometimes I really felt like lack of a lot of love. A life like that I wasn't able to change it but I will change it for my better future. My beloved bicycle has to be sold off when I was standard 6 due to insufficient of money. During that time, my grandparent and I were very poor because they weren't financial support by anyone also. I have a chance to buy a lot of things that I like and want. Usually, I will receive old clothes from the neighbour and other friends. I dressed up and behave like a boy, all the neighbour will put a mark on me that I'm naughty and tomboy.

......Wanna know more? This will be too long to read, I still got many more so I will post it on tomorrow. Part 2 please check on my blog tomorrow. Thank you so much for reading it and don't forget to UPVOTE and FOLLOW me!!!......

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