Some news stories about news paper...

images (5).jpegNewspaper writing is quite different from other forms of writing like Academic writing and creative writing.newspapers are read everyday by a large number of people from all sections of the society.threfore the language used in any newspaper has to be factual and easy.prospective writers for a newspaper must understand that while reading a newspaper,a person would be annoyed if he orshe has to frequently look up dictionary. Also the reader is keen to know the actual happening, the real story ,not a news story made up by the reporter's own imagination. However,some forms of newspaper writing,namely,features and sub-editorials may differ from news-stories in style and tone.normally full time reporters do the difficult job of reporting .images (4).jpegThey gather the day's important news from different locations thought out the day and file the news stories normally in the evening. These stories range from political news to sports news and economic news ,as well as diplomatic news or news of scientific discoveries .As such, the language used in these items will not be the same. Readers too do not expect to see a similar language used in reporting a medical discovery and another report on the country's increasing crime situation.

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