Waking From Ignorance

If you had asked me just a few short months ago "What's the first thing you think when you hear the word Muslim?" My answer would have been men on rooftops, waiving Ak-47s, screaming "Jihad" and chanting "Kill the white devil's".

However; over these past few months the first thing I think when you hear the word Muslim has dramatically changed.

I began working for a little family owned convenience store in May of this year. Yes, I was somewhat concerned upon learning they are devout Muslims. Even though I was nervous and extremely wary about working for them, I wasn't going to just turn my back on gainful employment.

I took the job and decided I would just keep my head down, do my job, and avoid discussing religion at all cost. They were my employers, I was their employee and everything would be strictly business.

The more I have been able to get to know them for who the are, the more I began to realize that these people are not anything at all like what I might have imagined them to be. There isn't the slightest hint of violence in their character. They are kind, caring, compassionate and loving people. Their hearts are good and honest with a genuine love for people in general. They are diligent and obedient to their faith. They do not judge nor condemn others and are the most humble people I have ever met.

They have been really good to me. In fact, I have come to consider it a huge blessing to be working for them. So much so that I strive for my employment to bless them in return. Even more so since the realization that this store is the livelihood for their family and they are entrusting that to me. I am deeply honored, humbled, and bound to protect that.

Perhaps the greatest revelation is that making the extreme radicals the face of all of Islam is the same as making Charles Manson the face of all of Christianity.

Yeah, just a few short months ago, I never would have believed that a Christian and a Muslim could work together in peace and harmony sharing a mutual respect and admiration for each other. The Muslim and the Christian each blessing the other. Imagine how great this world would be if everyone would embrace others just for being people.

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