Most of the times we find ourselves arguing about doctrine and religion.
We all try in the bestest of ways possible to prove who's religion is right and criticise other religions that we think are wrong. Has it ever ring in your mind that we were all born naked and came to this earth with nothing?

However,we have been brain-washed and made to believe that we belong to a certain religion,race,nationality and we are even given some random name after birth. All these are for the purpose of identity.
But do you know your true identity?

Have you found out your purpose for existence in this world ?

Do you really know and understand the mission you were given to fulfill by the Creator?

What would you do if you stopped existing?

Where would you be right now if your existence vanished?

Do you know that from the dust we came and unto the dust we shall return?
These are not direct questions that require you to answer me, they are rather rhetoric questions that you should ask and answer yourself.
Each day and night i keep asking myself the same question.
If today i picked up the television remote,turn the Tv on and put a news channel,one of the news feeds will probably read that there's been a tragedy,catastrophe,natural calamity,suicide,homicide or murder.
A day wouldn't pass without you hearing or reading that there has been death/deaths somewhere around the world.

Trully these are the end times as it was said and prophesied before;that the world would turn into chaos,neighbor against neighbor,country against country and man against his fellow man. They are times when men grow like grass, bloom like flowers but in the end fade and wither away.

These are the times when hunger, famine,starvation and suffering engulfs mankind.
It is a time when our souls need redemption because day in day out there is tragedy befalling tragedy and men perish without the knowledge of Christ.

Pain and Suffering has become too much to the point one would decide to choose death over life for dying is much more pleasant and better than living in the misery.
Darkness has enfolded man to the point he no longer knows mercy nor kindness. Man has surely fallen short of the glory of God for he has let evil encircle him.
Let us lament and shed tears for the untold multitudes who die daily and are given to the caverns of hell.
Who shall save us from the wrath of God?
Many great and big nations will be stripped off their glories in the days to come and will howl and wail in their nakedness. They will surely face harsh judgement and unending punishment.

This is not time to talk and argue about doctrine or religion anymore. It is the hour to work ,toil and labor for the redemption of souls.
There is very little time left and we might soon run out of it. Let's all bow down and pray to God in heaven to guide us and protect us for the number of deaths and lost souls is growing each day. Let us ask Him to show us ways and how to proclaim His name with every breath He has given us. Let us be never satisfied with selfish "religious" living. Let us rend our hearts that we can bear,feel and live the burden of Christ.
Whichever race,religion or nationality one is from,we are all victims who suffer in the hands of war,death and destruction.


Image source: GOOGLE

Thanks for taking your time to read this.

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