Gravel travelers

"What happens if I throw this pebble across the street?"
"What can be expected from a pebble?"
"I see." The arm was swung. The eyes are distant. Bolt.
"Wait!". The hand tries to reach.
Too late, the gravel has floated. Someone drove by motorbike from the corner. No! Gravel hits the helmet. The motor immediately stops, squeaks sharply. The man turned, remained on the motorbike, grumbled. "Insolent!" Then, back on track.
"Not yet happened, almost."

A man steps over nightly. His mouth rattled. He sings.
Drunk again gambling again
I don't want to continue like this?
"Fun. Fun. Shake go, bro. "
He sways while walking. Getting more upset. Get stuck.
"Devil! Where! Where! "He fumbled. Mercury lights at the end of the road are not bright enough. Apparently he tripped over a stone. "Here it is!" He picked up the pebble that was thrown this afternoon and lay beside a piece of rock that had tripped over him. He watched the pebble. The size is only the tip of the finger.
"Great. Great. Small is strong too. "He bit the gravel. "Adaw! Little devil! "He swung his arm, stopped suddenly. "Where to throw it? Go there, go there, or there? Just like that. "He spun around, then threw away his strength. Prang! House glass breaks. The door opened roughly. A man with a waist.
Drunk men stand quietly.
"You broke my glass !?"
"I? Not."
"Then, who threw this pebble?"
"Oh, that. If it's me. "
"Fuckin '!" Pebbles were thrown back. No!
"Aw! Devil! You throw my head! "
"You broke my glass!"
"Want to die!"
"How dare you say that!"
They wrestle, without witnesses because night is quiet. Star-studded sky. There is only one moon. Gecko. Gecko. Gecko ... The drunk man ran away.

Night is calm again, for a moment. Then, the flames licked. Sweat that drips into a bucket with rippling water evaporates quickly to the fire. The wood supporting the house is covered. People shout. Shit! Why hasn't the fire department come yet !? In the distance, on the corner, the drunken man stepped aside. He sang again.
Drunk again Gambling again
He turned. Flame tongue is getting crazy. He waved. His lips were squeezed. Then, missing in the corner.

From the same bend, two fire engines roared. The light above his head twinkled. Dark night, the mercury lamp was dim, the lights of the car were flashing, at the end there was a blazing sky. Very beautiful. Now it's just coming! swear people. The firefighters jumped. Works fast, but fires faster. The roof collapsed. Sparks sprinkle. Ash scattered. Slacker! swearing-swearing spreads fast. Not to mention cynical spies. There must be someone to blame. Ends already.

A fire extinguisher sat stared at the tongue that was not conquered. A friend furiously kicked the ground. Shit! Sand scattered. A pebble floated and went into the pockets of a firefighter that sat bent. This extinguisher went and left.
A sweet wife, with a mole on the lower end of the left eye, welcomes at the door. On the table was a cup of thick, steaming coffee. In the child's room whining. The sweet wife entered the room. The extinguishing husband opened the official shirt and draped a blind cover on the back of the chair. The small gravel rolled down. The whining boy sulked a little, out of the room in his mother's arms. There was talk of a fire just passing by. Coffee is sipped. The boy crawled on the floor. The lights are not so bright.

"It's no longer safe here," said Husband.
The boy, who had just been eloquently crawling, reached for pebbles.
"It is not certain that the house was burned by people," said the wife.
The child touches the pebble with the tip of the finger.
"Today the house is on fire. Two weeks ago someone was killed. "
The boy plays pebbles. Laugh.
"It's just a coincidence."
The gravel is kissed.
"It's no use calming yourself."
The gravel is put into the mouth. Still feels warm.
"Where should we move?"
The pebble is still playing between the gums.
"The important thing is we move from here."
The pebble was swallowed.
"Up to you."
The gravel stuck in the throat.

Coffee was again sipped. The wife turned and found her child lying gasping. The wife shrieks and jumps. The table swayed hard. Her hand jerks. Coffee spilled his mustache and clothes. They panic. The boy was taken to run to the house across the street. The door was banged loudly. A man opens the door in a hurry. He still pajamas.

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