Improving your memory

Where did I put my glasses? What am I looking for? I don't remember anything I read this morning. Perhaps these questions have been asked frequently, this happens to many people, they forget everything regardless of how old they are, however we can improve our memory, how?
Human beings are marvelously made and we have the faculty of memory, and our memory could be compared to a deposit, where we can store a quantity of information since we are children, infinite information could be said. But many times it happens that when we want to remember something important we can't, it's like the information that enters our head is not there or is conspicuous by its absence when we need it the most, even young students after taking an exam are deferred because they don't remember anything they read.

To have a good memory we must have a good diet and get enough sleep since our brain rests, this is essential. On the other hand, something that will help us to remember is to show interest in what we read, for example, after reading let our imagination fly, imagine the noises, the landscape, the voices of the characters, get into the information, this will make it easier for the time to remember, also have a quiet well-lit place, where we can concentrate without any kind of distraction.
After reading, it would be advisable to do a mental review of the main ideas, highlight these ideas in bright colors on a piece of paper, and write them in our own words. If we can do it, it will indicate that we have understood the subject and it will be easier for us to remember and speak. of what we have learned with other people, this will serve as a review, and will benefit us since the information will remain in our memory and in turn will help the person who listens to us.

Many times we even forget the names of people, a classmate or coworker, or someone we have met the day before. What can we do to remember their name? Something that will help us is to use his name several times when meeting him, and associate his name and face with something.
Dear friends, remember that our memory plays a very important role in our life, keep it healthy and do everything possible to remember.

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