
****In our last lessons on this topic, we learnt some attributes of the Heathen. We found out that a Heathen person can attend a church but still not identify with Christ. –Matt. 7:16, 20 – 21.
Furthermore in today’s lesson we shall be looking at Psalmist question “Why Do The Heathen Rage?”.

Why Do The Heathen Rage?

  1. When your service is to liberate the oppressed of the devil.-Mark 4:37-39, 5:1-9
  2. They are violent in nature; because they have been marked for destruction and their days are
    numbered.-Exo. 9:13, 14:13, Matt. 11:12, Prov.24:22, 2Peter 2:4, 1 John 3:8B.
  3. When the Church refuses to yield to their request. –Dan. 3:10-13, Matt. 5:14, Acts 5:29.
  4. When you are Godly impregnated to help humanity.Matt. 2:7, 16, Exo.1:7-22, 2:1-14, Gen. 37:2-20
  5. When you keep the commandment of God and have the testimony of Jesus. –Ps. 34:19, Rev. 12:17.
  6. The Heathen rage because of their ignorance.-Acts 7:60, Ps. 2:3-9.
  7. When the presence of the Christian is imposing threat to their kingdom and means of livelihood.-
    Acts 19:24-27.
  8. The Heathen rage, because they have placed down their lives to be used by Satan to fight against the programme of God.-Acts 7:57, 8:3, 9: 1-2.
  9. The heathenrage because of their jealousy.-Acts 7:9, Gen. 37:4, 11.
  10. The Heathen rage because they love darkness more than light. –John 3:19

> NOTE: Satan is the arch enemy of the Church, he goes after those who want to live for Christ, and he keep fighting them until they realized who they are in Christ and decide to stop him

Memory Verse
Ps. 7:6
“Arise, O LORD, in your anger; lift yourself up because of the rage of my enemies ---“

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