The memory of my father (1)

My father was born in an shan,on April 20, 1945.When I was very young, I thought my father was a very tall man from the time I remember things.

In the local village, he was so famous for his tall that he got a title for it: big man.But my father never bothered to call him that.


一,My father is a hard man

My father was a very hard man, and at a very young age, about two or three years old, His parents died, so to speak, in the time of his memory, there was no impression of his own parents. Once, he said, a woman came up the street and he hobbled over and shouted to her and called her:“ mother”!

He speaks to us in the presence of an anecdote, but he also contains grieved. Later, father and his sister, raised by my elder great-aunt who is more than 30 years old, her husband is an officer (it is said to be weighing up at that time general zhang xue liang 张学良 ), and in a battle he died,she never get married, at the right moment, father and his sister are still small, no one could take care of them, so they kiddo both brought up, till my father get married and has a wife and several children.

He was very capable at a young age, and he did everything, even the work of a woman, polishing glass, making a quilt, for him there were not a problem.

一 父亲是一个苦命的人

父亲 是一个很能吃苦的人,很小的时候,大约2-3岁吧,父母相继去世,可以说,在他有记忆的时候里,根本没有对自己亲生父母的印象。他曾说,有一次,大街上走过来一个女人,他居然蹒跚着跑过去,喊妈妈!他当着一个趣事和我们讲,然而其中却也包含心酸。后来父亲和姑母,是由他的姑姑和叔叔给抚养大.大姑奶也是30多岁的时候,丈夫是军官(据说是当时东北军将领张学良的部下),去世后,大姑奶一直没找人,正好,父亲和姑母都尚小,没人带,于是,就由大姑奶把父亲和姑姑养大,一直到娶妻生子。


This is a picture of my father at his youngest. About 14 to 15 years old, a photo of a junior high school diploma. It was about 1960. Look at the picture we saw he is very thin, My father said,at the age of hunger is really hungry time, in the school, because there was nothing to eat,they were always hungry ,the student did not move after class , relying on the root of the wall to stand... Then my aunt went to the school to see him, and asked him to eat out,One plate of Sweet potato leaves became a very good meal.

这是父亲最小时候的照片了。大约14-15岁,初中毕业证上的照片。年代大约是1960年左右。看照片很清瘦,父亲说,那个年代真是挨饿的时代,上学念书的时候,因为吃不饱,学生下课都不活动,靠墙根儿站着.....后来姑母去学校看他,请他下馆子,吃了一顿 地瓜叶,就算是很好的牙祭了。

TWO,my father's encouragement was the most precious thing in my life. Little by little, it helped me to get from my childhood to adulthood...
When I was young, I could dig wild vegetables and then feed the chickens and the pigs. Poured a large bag of food on the Cutting board, and then chopped them , bean cake mix, corn meal, rice husk and so on, then add some water, stirring,thus can feed the chickens, It's tiring, but I never feel tired . when I finished work, the most happy thing, is always get my father'rewards . At that time, my heart is really sweet than drinking honey. So I always finished the work before he arranged for me well , I was just to give him a surprise, but every time ,he would show a surprised look on his face and in a surprise motion, and I have never forgotten...

二 父亲的鼓励在我一生的成长中是最为宝贵的东西。一点一滴,促进我从懵懂到成人..........

在我小的时候,很早就与大人下地剜菜,喂鸡喂猪。把一大袋子的菜倒在地上,然后拿过来一些 切碎,拌上豆饼碎末,玉米面,稻糠之类,再填些水,搅拌一番,就可以给小鸡们吃了,活是很辛苦的,但每每我干完活,最快乐的事,就是每次都会得到父亲的夸奖。那个时候啊,我听了心里真的是比喝了蜂蜜还甜。所以我总是提前干活,还没等他安排我,干活,我就先干完了,为的是给他一个惊喜,而每次他都会表现出一副很吃惊的样子,一个惊喜的眼神,让我至今难忘..........

That's what I did, growing up with my father's encouragement, and then I didn't know when my father's encouragement was gone.


Three,Father is a man of loving learning, expected work at ordinary times,he never gambling,He love reading and studying .at that time there are publications : the member of communist party , the farmers' abstract, what father is required, watching TV and watching news, pay attention to state affairs. So father is a real peasant, but he is not a farmer... Often Anything happens in the village , he was the first to know, in my impression,He knows everything about astronomy and geography , so I often think, if I could like him knowing anything ..How nice it would be!


I always feel guilty about one thing, when I go to the school of finance and economics to study,that day my father sent me, I'll go upstairs and look at the dormitory, and at that time I met my classmate, I was so exciting that I chat with my classmates for half a day,Completely forget my father had been in the downstairs waiting for me! he waited anxiously, there is no phone at that time, when I come down, I always feel guilty...


Time passed quickly ,my father left us for about 16 years old !时间过得真快,一晃父亲离开我们已经有16年了!

The tree wants to be quiet,but he wind blows continuously; The son wants to honor his parents, but they have passed away!

This song is dedicated to the parents of the world!下面谨以此歌献给天下的父母!

That was when I was a kid
Often sitting on the shoulder of my father
The father is the ladder for son
The father was the bull
I can't forget the humble fare to raise me up
Never forget a long sigh half a pot of old wine

When I grow up
The children in the mountains go out
when you miss your son
a letter from a thousand miles writing full of loves
when you miss your son back
Hope is a sack of smoke filled with stars
It's said that raising children can prevent old age
The mountains are far from home
All talk about raising children for age
But you won't open your mouth again
Only a song and a tear
May the world's parents be in the spring and autumn




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