No Pain, No Gain?


I have to admit...

I am not really a fan of this oft-used idiom.

Mainly because I don't like pain.

Well, not my own anyway. And I don't like exercise and pain together either that's for sure!

HOWEVER there is one kind of pain I do quite like...and that is the pain of my clients.


It's true.

And if you want to improve your had better start liking the pain of others too.

Let me explain…

PAS is an acronym for a tried and tested and VERY effective copywriting formula.

It stands for PAIN (or PROBLEM) – AGITATE – SOLVE.

It is probably one of the most popular techniques applied in copy today.


Because it WORKS!

You see, when you understand the pain points of your customers/target audience...what keeps them awake at can then present this to them, AGITATE that specific problem and then show/tell how your product or service can help solve this.


PAIN: Are you sick of being overweight/looking to ditch the excess flab? (This does not have to be a question - the key is that you empathize/understand the problem)

AGITATE: You've tried all the diets going but nothing ever works, or if they do, the results are only temporary and once you go back to your normal just end up piling on the pounds. (Again, here you are agitating a problem and showing you understand)

SOLUTION: We have just the solution! With The ACME Fat Burning Plan you can effortlessly shed the excess pounds, eat all the delicious meals you love AND attain all your fitness goals. In just 6 weeks you'll be turning heads with the new sexier slimmer you.

But don't just take our word for it (here is where you add testimonials etc to act as social proof).

At this point you can add a Call To Action (CTA) i.e. Get in touch or BUY NOW.

When you look around you will see many examples of PAS at work. Take a look at some of the emails you receive/advertisements/sales letters etc.

See it now?

Are you using PAS in your copy? Are you addressing your target audience's pain and providing the solution?

It's a simple but powerful copywriting formula to remember.


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{image source: Pixabay}

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