real man

We are breeding men so weak that one punch can be fatal. To me, this seems like such an anomaly. In contrast to the fragility of modern man we have this...

Alexander the Great who "once while fighting at a fortress in Multan, in present-day Pakistan, found himself stranded without a ladder. Instead of leaping outside the walls to safety he jumped inside where he was surrounded by enemies and fought off his attackers until help arrived.

During the clash he sustained a nearly fatal arrow wound that may have punctured his lung. When doctors insisted that officers hold him down to prevent him from squirming while they removed the arrowhead Alexander insisted that wasn't necessary and lay still as doctors cut deeply into his chest to remove the embedded weapon."

And then for the ultimate in masculine sucking it up we have the example of Saint Jerome, whom the Romans decided to burn to death by cooking him slowly on a giant frying pan over a fire. He is reputed to have exclaimed, "Turn me over, I'm done on this side!" And just before he died, he said, "It's cooked enough now."

But our males are so pussified that mere bullying at school is enough to crush their self-esteem?

Boys should be allowed to grow into gods of manhood, and not be forced to absorb this Feminist-ethic of crying abuse over a paper cut.
man rune

But then women weren't this cry-babyish either...

The wife of Brutus upon learning of his death snatched some burning coals from the fireplace and swallowed them as an act of suicide.

The mother of Nero was hunted down by her son's soldiers, who had orders to kill her. She bared her belly and said, "thrust your swords into here where I spawned that son of mine!"

The mother of Alexander the Great's enemy, King Darius, so came to admire Alexander that when she learned of his death she immediately turned to face the wall and refused to eat until she perished.

Humans once possessed tremendous willpower, and understood that this willpower could be used to shape the body and enable it to withstand and endure extremes of pain and abuse.

Carlos Castaneda talks of the virtues of finding a bully, what he has his teacher term a 'petty tyrant'. This is somebody who threatens the life of an individual to such a degree that the individual is forced to tap into reserves of power to defeat this threat.

He has his teacher, Don Juan, say that if you're not lucky enough to attract such a bully into your life then you should go out of your way to find one.

Now, we have imbecilic, but supposedly well-meaning collectives of mothers crying out about the dangers of bullying in school.

I had a legion of adult 'petty-tyrants' when I was a child. They inflicted terrible tortures upon my child's body, but in so doing they helped fashioned a mind as sharp as a samurai's blade. I regret nothing of the pain I received from them.

We are in the midst of the darkest of ages, in which only warriors can perform the necessary functions to transmute the lead into gold. Let us turn our boys into warriors of truth, with the vision to see injustices, the fortitude to hurl themselves against these, and the ability to endure the hardships necessary to turn wrongs into rights!

Thor killing serpent

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