WOW! Seth Godin endorsed my book!

I woke up this morning to this.


Seth Godin blogged my book!

To call this an "honor" is too much an understatement to even bother. I'm speechless!

It remains to be seen exactly what becomes of this, but it feels like a big turning point. It's almost three years ago now that I made the leap to move to Colombia and double down on writing.

It took two years, after multiple traditional-publishing rejections, just to get the courage to self publish. This book has been out for almost one year now, and I put it out there literally not knowing how to publish it, nor how it would be received.

So it's nice to know that you can play the long game and have a book get an endorsement like this.

Thanks everyone in this community for your support so far. By the way, in case you're wondering what something like this does for sales, here ya go:


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