Life & Death Part 2

"In the book of life every page has two sides: we human beings fill the upper side with our plans, hopes and wishes, but providence writes on the other side, and what it ordains is seldom our goal."

You cannot control all things in life. You will strive for goals and never attain them. You will care for your body and it will fail you. You will love only to be hurt. Discouragement will poison your mind and divert you from the path. If you have done all in your power and still faltered, how can you ever hope for success?
Life is full of ups and downs. Take the hardships that life throws at you and use their tribulations to strengthen your armor. You cannot control the forces of chance, but it is always you who decides which direction to go.

"Life is a great surprise. I don't see why death should not be an even greater one."
Vladimir Nabokov

All creatures die. It is a fact that cannot be circumvented even by the wealthiest and most powerful. The end is always near — the clock is always counting down. Nothing you do will stop it.

Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. You cannot change the beginning and you cannot escape the end. You can only affect what happens in middle. Why worry about the end of your story when there are so many pages of life left to fill?

Death is not the end but merely the final door that a life passes through. What is beyond it? What journeys await you? As the final chapter closes, the book of life always begins again. Fear not for what is ahead.

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