It's now a story....

My heart raced faced fast.
It was harder than I thought.
My voice was shaky .
I was already before the audience .
I opened my mouth to speak it was as if someone dropped a stone in my mouth I could hear myself but the crowd kept complaining they couldn't hear me.
I increased my voice but fear suppressed my voice .
My points was powerful but lacked boldness so I think it was pointless.
It was in a debate competition my team lost because I was the lead debate person .
I wondered how my team felt that evening I had made them lost in a debate competition.
My eyes had tear drops already, I put myself together so I would not start crying.
The panel of judges released the results and our points dropped badly because of boldness.
I would look back and laugh at that particular day now and I write about it but it was not a funny experience.
That was some years ago.
"The bold person speaks boldness
The fearful speaks fear"
A very crucial part of public speaking largely deepends on who are you.
The first key is work on becoming a confident person.
I was not born confident and bold, I learnt to be confident through continuous exposure in leadership I have never rejected any leadership position.
Sometimes low self esteem is just another reason why some may not be able to face crowd or speak in public so its about the person.
First lesson
Be organized : keep your thought organized as well as your materials.
Organize your thought in a material before you take the microphone.
You see one of the first things people would notice when you come to the public and speak is your organization .
Organization is very visible when anyone faces the crowd.
Your organization is reflected in the way you speak.
"When to organize your thought and materials"
You organize the materials and your thought before the venue of the event not in the event venue where you want to deliver a public speech.
When you're organized you will be calm . You can focus better.
Your delivery will reflect confidence.
I hope this adds value .

Agbonlahor Ernest author
i am juli1

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